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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1738

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1687 Fo r " Salaries , office of Chief Inspector , 1929," $11,100 . For " Salaries, office of Purchasing Agent, 1929," $2,180 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Accounts, 1929," $2,260 . For " Mail bags and equipment, 1929," $60,000 . Tota l, Pos t Offi ce Dep artmen t, $25 8,363 . DEPARTMENT OF STATE For " Sala ries, Depart ment o f Stat e, 192 9," $10 5,460 . For " Passport Bureaus, Department of State, 1929," $4,447 . For "Immigration of aliens, Department of State, 1929," $2,524 . Total, Department of State, $112,431 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT Department of State. Tre asury Depart- ment . OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For " Salaries, office of Secretary of the Treasury, 1929," $12,340 . Secretary's Office. For " Salaries, office of chief clerk and superintendent, 1929," $55,161 . For " Salaries, Division of Supply, 1929," $12,940 . For " Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee, 1929," $10,260 . For " Salaries, office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, 1929," $4,400 . For " Salaries, Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants, 1929," $8,580 . Fo r " Public Debt S ervice , 1929 ," $14 6,500 . Fo r " Salar ies, D ivisio n of A ppoint ments, 1929," $3,16 9 . For " Salaries, office of disbursing clerk, 1929," $3,120 . Total, Secretary's office, $256,470 . BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Fo r " Collec ting t he rev enue f rom cu stoms, 1929," $542, 423 .

Customs Bureau . BUREAU OF THE BUDGET For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of the Budget, 1929," $8,000 . Budget Bureau. OFF ICE OF TREASURER OF UNIIBD STATES For " Salaries, office of Treasurer of United States 1929," $81,000 . Treasurer's umee. For " Salaries, office of Treasurer of United States (national cur- rency, reimbursable), 1929," $18,000 . Total, Treasurer's office, $99,000 . OFFICE OF COMPTROTTItR OF CU RRENCY Fo r " Salaries, office o f Comptro ller of t he Curren cy, 1929, $16,080 . ofOffice eof Comptroller For " Salaries, office of Comptroller of the Currency, (national currency, reimbursable), 1929," $2,900 . Total, office o f Comptro ller o f Cur rency, $18,9 80 . BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE F o r " Collec ting t he Int ernal Revenu e, 192 9," $2, 036,12 0 . BU REAU OF PR OHIBI TION For " Enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts, Int ernal Revenu e, 192 9," $5 89,010 . Internal Revenue Bureau . Prohibition Bureau .