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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1737

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. CII. 707. 1929. For " Salaries, office of naval records and library, 1929," $600 . For " Salaries, office of Judge Advocate General, 1929," $10,220 . For " Salaries, office of Chief of Naval Operations, 1929," $4,300 . For " Salaries, Board of Inspection and Survey, Navy Depart- ment, 1929," $1,120. For " Off ice of Direct or of Naval C ommunications, 1929," $4,500 . For " Salaries, Office of Naval Intelligence, 1929," $1,200 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Navigation, 1929," $33,960 . For " Salaries, Hydrographic Office, 1929," $33,080 . For "Salaries, Naval Observatory, 1929," $9,000. For " Salaries, Nautical Almanac Office, 1929," $2,300 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Engineering, 1929," $18,500 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Construction and Repair, 1929," $23,500 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Ordnance, 1929," $10,200 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, 1929," $42,000 . For " Salaries, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 192 9," $3,4 00 . For "Salaries, Bureau of Ya rds and Docks, 1929," $14,000 . For "Salaries, Bureau of Aeronautics, 1929," $16,860 . Total, Salaries, Navy Department, $239,880 . BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Nav al Hom e, Phi la- Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : For pay of employees delphia .

at rates of pay to be fixed by the Secretary of the Navy, $12,640, which shall be paid out of the income of the naval pension fund . Hydrographic Office . Nav al Acad emy . Marine Corps . Civil employees . Post Office Depart- ment . Salaries . HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Branch offices : For services of necessary employees, $2,700. NAV AL OBSE RVA TOR Y Naval Observatory .

For " Contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Observatory, 192 9," $400 . NAVAL ACADEMY For " Pay, Naval Academy, 1929," $12,250 . MARINE CORPS "Pay of civil employees, Marine Corps, 1929," Office of Major General Commandant, and adjutant and inspector, $3,560 ; office of paymaster, $1,380 ; office of the quartermaster, $4,200 ; in all, $9,140 . Total, Navy Department, $277,010. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OUT OF THE POSTAL REVENUES For " Salaries, office of Postmaster General, 1929," $15,680 . For " Salaries, Post Office Department buildings, 1929," $37,183 . For " Sa laries , offic e of Fi rst As sistant Postma ster G eneral, 1929," $31,320 . For " Sala ries, o ffice of Seco nd Assi stant Postmas ter Gen eral, 1929," $17,160 . For " Sal aries, office of Thi rd Assi stant Postmas ter Gen eral, 1929," $48,500 . For " Salaries, office of Fou rth Assistant Postmaster G eneral, 1929," $27,000 . For " Salaries, office of Solicitor for the Post Office Department, 19 29," $5,9 80 .