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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/25

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r~" PRIVATE LAWS OF SEVENTINrII CONGRFES Pas8ed at the fir8t 8Usion., 1Jih' begun aM held at flu city oj Washington, in the District oj Oolumbia, on .M ,y, the fifth day oj D~mber, 1Bn, aM was adjO'lU"ntlil without day on Tuesday, t wenty.",inth day oj May, 1BS8. CALVIN COOLIDGE, Presi t; CHARLES G. DAWES , Vice President; GEORGE H. MOSES, President of Senate pro tempore; NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, Speaker of the House of Represe atives. Fetm.yI,lll 'J8. OHAP. 21 .- An Ac or the relief of Charles H. Send. [So «0.) [PrIvate, No.1 .) Be it enacted b. 'the Senate and HO'IJJ8e of Re]Yl'e88ntatives of tM United Stat~1J 0 ,merica i!" Oongress a8sem,bled, That the Secretary ~::l\~..t.d of the InterIor. hand he IS hereby, authorIzed to amend the home- enU"yallllwed. stead entry of: arIes H. Send, made March 20, 1924, so as to DeacrI tI describe lot 3t.' ction 14, township 4 south of range 15 west, of the p on. Tallahassee ,. eridian, Florida, containing eighty acres, in lieu of the subdivi!.libn now embraced therein, and to accept the commuta- tion proof ,submitted by said Send on October 8, 192~l if found otherwise ~tisfactory, upon payment for the land at the rate of $1.25 per JfCre. Approv.ed, Febrllary 3, 1928. (" FebruAl'Y 11 , ]1128. OHAP4'" 34.-An Act To correct the military record of Andrew B. Ritter. [H.R.3400.1 '\ [PrIvate, No.2 .) Be" enacted by tM Senate aruJ Howe of Re]Yl'esentatives of eM United States of America mOongress at!8embled, That in the admin- t:nu~B~~terCcr. istration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits upon rected. honorably discharged soldiers, Andrew B. Ritter, who was a mem- ber of Battery L, Second Regiment United States Artillery, now a resident of Indiana, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a member of that organization on the 8th day of August, 1865: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance ~ ..y ,etc. shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, February 11, 1928. OHAP. 81S. - An Act For the relief of Finas M. Willi&ms. Fet:a:l. A~.r· • ...-~ b S --~H~R . [PrIvate, No.3 .) Be it e'1UUJ1If7(J, Y the enate WTIA..b owe 0 epresentativetl of tM United States of America in Oongress Q88 led That in the admin- Fi!,ss M. WUllams. f· . h ..' fi Mllitar'y record 001' - istration of any laws con errmg rlg ts, prIvIleges, and bene ts llPon rected. honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines, Finas M. Wil- liams shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the service of the United States Army on August 14, 1913: PrO'lJided, That no back pay, pension, or allowances shall Promo. be held to ha~e accrued prior to the passage of this Act. No back pay, etc. Approved, February 11, 1928. 1701