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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/26

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1702 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . Cus.36 -40. 1928. ~!.!.t~- OHAP. S6 .- An Act For the relief of George C. Huuey. ~.R._) Yate, No.4.) Be it eflDlCted by the 'Senate 0J'fIAl House of RepreBentatVv61 of tM =;~oir- UMIed S ..of .A~ in: tlfnu!'elJ8 (J88tmihkd,That in .e admin- nct.ed. istration .of ~ the pension Id~George C. Hussey, deCeased, who was a member of Battery M, ifth United States Artillery, shall hereafter be held and oonsidereto have been discharged honorably from the m.ilitary serviCe of tb;ilTnited States as a private of that ~~paJ'.ete. organization on the 20th day o~unet 1865: PrfYliided, That no bounty;baclt pay,pension, or allo ce sna,u be held to have accrued prior to the p!"SSl.ge of this Act.~; Approved, February 11,1928. I'tbIaIrF 11,la lH. R . 111112.1 OHAP. S7.- An Act For the relief of Thomas M. Roea. [Private, No.5.) Be it enacted. by the Senate and HUUBe of Repre8entative8 of ~~Cc.. the United. State8 01 America in Oongre88 aiB.emhled That in the rected. administration of the pension laws, Thomas M.Ross shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorablN discharged from Company F,Second RegiJ!lent United States lllfantry, war with ~paJ' eta Spain, on Aprilll} 1900: Provided, That no back pay, pension, or .• . allowance shall be neld to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, February 11, 1928. Fet~ ~tai.r· OHAP. SB.- An Act For the relief of the owner of the schooner Sentinel. (Private, No.6 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and Howse of Rep"'e86ntative8 of ehe "Sentinel," Schoon- United Sttde8 01 America in Oongre88 (1)88embled, That the Secra- eri>aymenttoownerof, tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed fcrco1llslondama&es. to paY', out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated,J.,. and in full settlement against the Government, to Captain Louis .t". Sunderland, owner of the schooner Sentinel, the sum of $77.60 for cost of repair to said schooner Sentinel, which was dam- aged by collision with the United States Coast Guard cutter Smith on March 21, 1925. Approved, February 11, 1928. Fet~ ~~.r· OHAP. S9. - An Act For the relief of Albert J. Zyvolski. (Priftte, No.7 .) Be it t»UrJCted by the Senate rmd HowSe 01 ReJ!1'68entative8 of the Albert1.Zyvolskl. Unite& State8 of America in Oongre88 a88embled That the 8ecre- ~t to, for ftze tary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authoriz~d and directed to paY7 ,out of the funds of the Alaska Railroad, the sum of $613.10 to Albert J. Zyvolski for loss of his personal property by fire in section house numbered 21, Eklutna, on the Alaska Railroad, on May 28, 1924. Approved, February 11, 1928. Febroary 11,1928. OHAP. 40.- An Act For the relief of Howard V. Sloan. (H. R • .a93.) (Private, No.8 .} Be it enacted by the Semo,te am:d HUUBe 01 Rep!e8entati'l)e8 of the ~O"ard itOSloan. United State8 of America in Oongre8S aBsem1Jled, That the Secretary ert;~: orprop- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and