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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/29

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SJ:B8. I. CBs. 50, 51, 68, $, 106. 1928. 1705 dependent mother of the late Ensign Julian J. McShane, Uaited States Navy, who wr.s drowned at Wilmi~n, California, on October ~ 1M, an amount equal to six months pay at the rate said Julian J. ~cShane"lI8 entitled to receive at the date of his death. . Approved, February 13, 1928. CHAP. 51.- An Act For the relief of Ida F. Baum. Februa'Y 13, 1925. [H.Il-7M .) [Prlvat.e , No. 17.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Repre8entativeB of the IdaF Baum United States of .America in Oongre&8 lJI8ffTnbled, That the Secretary PayuMmuo iarfllt1ll of the Treafury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to paYJ iDjuryofdAGlhter. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated anQ in full settlement against the Government, to Ida F. Baum the sum of $5,000 for damages suffered by reason of her daughter, Lillian J. Leffard being struck and fatally intured by a Government automo- bile, which W8B driven by a civilian employee of the Ordnance Bureau of the United States Army. Approved, February 13, 1928. OHAP. 58.-An Act For the relief of Josephine Thibodeaux. February 15, 1925. [H.R.83811.1 [PrIvate, No. 18.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Repre8entatives 01 the United State8 01 .America in. Oongr6lB a88mnbled, That the Secretary ~~ Tbibo- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, f«~ft ~ out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the bond. sum. of $2,000 to Josephine Thibodeaux, of Los Angeles, California, which sum was paid by her to the United States as a b&il bond for appearance in court of N. H. Thibodeaux, said bail bond being declared forfeited by the court for nona(>pearance, but subsequently ordered paid back to said Josephine Tlilbodeaux through an order of said court vacating the forfeiture of the bail bond; but which amount had been covered into the Treasury of the United States by the clerk of the court. Approved, February 15, 1928. FelmJary 18, 1V' .1l !. CHAP. 89.- An Act For the relief of Joseph Jameson. [H. R. mil.) [PrIvate, No. 111.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Repreaentatives of the loeeph UfIi,ted States of .America Vn. OongreB8 aJ/sem1Jled, That the Post- ReIm~i to, master General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to for stolen postal fonds. credit the account of Joseph Jameson, postmaster at Lorain, Ohio, in the sum of $10,662.10, due the United States on account of p~blic funds and property lost in the burglary of the post office on March 1, 1925. Approved, February 18, 1928. Fe~25,lV'Jl!. CHAP. l06. -An Act To confer authority on the United States District t3~w; ~!~1.) Court for the Western District of Virginia to permit J. L . Sink, a bankrupt, to file his application for discharg('l and to authonse and empower the judge of said court to hear and determine the same. Be it 61IAUJted by tM Senate OPUJ H0'U86 01 ReP!'esentatives 01 the 1 L Sink United States of - . America Vn. Oongres8 aue1nbZ64t..That the United May file .~tlon States District Court for the Western District of v irginia is hereby ~pTarmstroBot (talk) v= authorized and empowered to permit J. L . Sink, a bankrupt, to file DiStrici court.