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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/28

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1'104: SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SI'.88. I . CBS. 46-50. 1928. ~:eJ.fL 0lUP. ~.-AD. Act For the relief of Sabino Apodaoa. , I.e..... No. 12 .) Be it eMCeed ~y tM S6'1I4te aM B OU8e of Rep1"esenta:twu of tM ~~p«-UMUd StIJlu of 4merioa i!" Oongreu aas~kd, Tha~ the Secretary iDJurteI. of the Treasury be, and he 18 hereby, authorIzed and dIrected to pay out of any· money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and in full settlement against the Government, to Sabmo Apodaca, of EI Paso, Texas, tlie sum of $704 as remuneration for injuries occasioned by the said Apodaca's being run over, maimed, bruised, his leg broken, and serious and probably permanent injuries resulting therefrom, at the hands .of one Wilham Pounderf, a sergeant in the United States Army connected with the military police. ~13,11128. [H. R .4777.) (Pri~, No. 13.) Approved,February 13, 1928. OHAP. 4:7. - An Act To compensate Robert F. Yeaman for the 1088 of certain earpenter·tooJa which was incUJTed by reason of a fire in the Government area. at Old Hickory Ordnance Depot. Robert F Yeaman Be it enactetl by the Senate aM Bouse of Representatives of the com~nforftie United States t>f .A:'1nerica in Oongreu aB8embled, That the Secretary ~ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Robert F . Yeaman, out of any money not otherwise appropriated and in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $217.70, the value in full of carpenter tools belonging to the said Yeaman and which were destroyed by fire in the Government area at Old Hickory Depot on the 4th day of August, 1924. Femuary Ill. 1_. [H. R . 4107.) Approved, February 13, 1928. OHAP. 4B. -An Act For the relief of Calvin H. Burkhead. (Private, No. 14 .) Be it tmOOted by the Senate tmd HO'UIJe of Representative8 of the IJ= Calvin H. United Statel! of America in Oongre88 a8l!emlJled, That the Secretary B'K.unb~~i to, of War is authorized and directed to pay to Captain Calvin H. Burk- fortravelexpeDllel. head, out of any appropriation now or hereafter available for travel of the Arm;y, the sum of $1,971.60 to reimburse him for money paid by him whlle traveling under official orders in Alaska from July 1, 1922, to and including September 5, 1924. Approved, February 13, 1928. F~lW.F CHAP. 49.-An Act For the relief of Joel T. Smith. [Privata, No. 15.) Be it enacted by tM Sennie mnd H01/J8e of Representatives of the ~~dlllmith. United States of Ameo-ica in O~8 (J)88emhletJ, That the Post- -m s. poetal ~ master General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit the account of Joel T. Smith, late postmaster at Chester, Montana, in the sum of $505, due the United States on account of the loss resulting from the closing of the First National Bank, of Chester, Montana. Femuary 13. 1928. [H. R . 1406.) Approved, February 13, 1928. OJUP. 6O .-An Act Granting six months' pay to Maria J. McShane. Be it enacted by the Senate <NUl H0'U88 of Representatives of tM ~.na 1. M:'~ United States of America in Oongre88 as8embled, That the Secretary oflOru- to • of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to payout [ITivate. No. 10 .) Vol.", p. G. of the approprIation" Pay of the Navy, 1927," to Maria J. McShane.