LIST OF PUB LIC ACTS AND RESOLU TIONS . Pa ge Pa pago Sa guaro Monumen t, Ariz . An Act To abolish the Papago Saguaro National Monu- ment, Arizona, to provide for the disposition of certain lands therein for park and recreational uses, and for other purposes . April7, 1930 142 Public lands, Indian wars credit . An Act To allow credit to homestead settlers and entrymen for military service in certain Indian wars. April7,1930 144 Bridge, Fox River . An Act Granting the co ns ent of Congress to the township of Au ror a, Illinois, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Fox Riv er at or near th e village of Nor th Aurora, Illin ois . April 7, 1930 145 Coast Guard Academy . An Act To change the limit of cost for the construction of the Coast Gu ard Academy . April 7,1930 145 Fur Trade Exhibition, etc. Joint Resolution Making an appropriation for participation by the United States in the International Fur Trade Exhibition and Congress to be held in Leipzig, Germany, in 1930 . April 7, 1930 145 International Conference for Codification of International Law . Joint Resolution Making an appropriation for participation by the United States in the International Conference for the Codification of International Law to be held at The Hague in 1930 . April 7, 1930 146 Appropriations for United States courts . Joint Resolution Making additional appropriations for certain expenses under the Department of Justice for the remainder of the fiscal year 1930 . April 7,1930 146 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Sta te of No rth Dakota to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Missouri River at or near Fort Yates, North Dakota . April8,1930 146 In dian sign l angua ge . An Act To provide for the recording of the Indian sign language through the instrumentality of Major General Hugh L . Scott, retired, and for other purposes . April 8, 1930
147 Br idge, Flanders Bay . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to George H. Glover to construct a private highway bridge across Flanders Ba y, Hancock County, Maine, from the mainland at Sorrento to Soward Island. April 8, 1930 147 Bridge, Hatchie River . An Act To grant the consent of Congress to the Highway Depart- ment of the State of Tennessee to construct a bridge across the Hatchie River on the Bolivar-Jackson Road near the town of Bolivar, in Hardeman County, Tennessee . April 8,1930 147 Bridge, Merrimack River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Massa- chusetts to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Merri- mack River at or near Tyn sboro, Massachusetts . April 8, 1930 148 Bridge, Holston River . An Act Granting the c ons ent of Congress to the Highway Depart- ment of the State of Te nness ee to const ruct a bri dge ac ross the Ho lston Rive r on projected Tennessee Highway Numbered 9 in Knox County, Tennessee . April 8, 1930 148 Bridge, Des Moines River . An Act Authorizing the county of Lee in the State of Iowa, and Wayland Special Road District in the county of Clark and State of Missouri, to con- struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Des Moines River at or near Saint Francisville, Missouri . April8, 1930 148 Bridge, Bogue Chitto River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Great Southern Lumber Company, of Bogalusa, Louisiana, to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Bogue Chitto River in or near township 3 south, range 11 east, in the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana . April 8, 1930 149 Lac du Flambeau, Wis . An Act To authorize the issuance of a fee patent for block 23 within the town of Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin, in favor of the local public-school author- ities . April 8,1930 149 Bridge, Delaware River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of New York to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Delaware River at or near Beerston, New York . Ap ril8,193 0 150 Public-health activities . An Act To provide for the coordination of the public-health activities of the Government, and for other purposes . April 9, 1930 150 Public-domain conservation, etc . An Act Authorizing the President to appoint a commission to study and report on the conservation and administration of the publi c doma in . A pril 10, 1930 153 Louisiana and Texas .Waterways . An Act Grant ing a right of way across the land of the United States for bridge purposes over the Louisiana and Texas Intracoastal Water- way . April 10,1930 153 "North Carolina" Ship, silver service . An Act That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized, in his discretion, upon request from the Governor of the State of North Carolina, to deliver to such governor as custodian for such State the silver service presented to the United States for the United States ship North Carolina (now the United States ship Charlotte, but out of commission) . April 10, 1930 153 Bridges, Red River. An Act Gra nt ing the con se nt of Co ngr ess to agreements or com pa cts between the States of Oklahoma and Texas for the purchase, construction, and mainte- nance of highway bridges over the Red River, and for other purposes . April 10, 1930_ 154 Quarter-eagle coin discontinued . An Act To discontinue the coinage of the two and one-half dollar gold piece . April 11, 1930 154 Patent Office . An Act To amend sections 476, 482, and 4934 of the Revised Statutes, sections 1 and 14 of the Trade-Mark Act of February 20, 1905, as amended, and section 1 (b) of the Trade-Mark Act of March 19, 1920, and for other purposes . A pril 11, 1930- _ 155