LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS . X1 Page. Mil itar y Aca demy, Bey Mari o Aro seme na . Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive for instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point Bey Mario Arosemena, a citizen of Panama . March 21, 1930 87 Fort Berthold Indians, N . Dak ., claims . Joint Resolution Authorizing the use of tribal moneys belonging to the Fort Berthold Indians of North Dakota for certain purposes . March 22, 1930 88 Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians, per capita . An Act Authorizing a per capita payment to the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians . Ma r ch 24 , 1 93 0 88 Military Academy, Edmundo Valdez Murillo . Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to recei ve, for instr uction at the United State s Milit ary Ac ademy at West Point, Edmundo Valdez Murillo, a citizen of Ecuador . March 24, 1930 88 Military Academy, Vicente Mejia and Antonio Inestroza . Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive for instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point two citizens of Honduras, namely, Vicente Mejia and Antonio Inestroza . March 24 , 1930 89 Military Academy, Godofredo Arrieta A ., junior . Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive, for instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Godofredo Arrieta A ., junior, a citizen of Salvador. March 24, 1930 89 M ilitary Acade my, Gui llermo Gomez . Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive, for instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Senor Guillermo Gomez, a citizen of Colombia . March 24, 1930 90 Appropriations, First Deficiency Act, 1950 . A n Act Making approp riatio ns to s upply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and prior fiscal years, to provide urgent supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1930, and June 30, 1931, and for other purposes . March 26, 1930 . _
90 Bridge, Rock River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Rock River at or near Prophets- town, Illinois . March 28, 1930 134 Bridge, Pecatonica River . An Act To legalize a bridge across the Pecatonica River at Free- port, Illinois. March 28, 1930 134 Bridge, Little Calumet River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to construct a bridge across the Little Calumet River on Ashland Avenue near One hundred and thirty-fourth Street, in Cook County, State of Illinois . March 28,1930 135 Bridge, Little Calumet River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illi- nois to widen, maintain, and operate the existing bridge across the Little Calumet R iver o n Hals ted Str eet ne ar One hundre d and f orty-f ifth St reet, in Cook Count y, State of Illinois . March 28, 1930 135 Bridge, Little Calumet River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of I llinois to construct a bridge a cross the Little Calu met River on Ashland Avenue nea r One hundred and fortieth Street in Cook County, State of Illinois . March 28, 1930_-
135 House Office Building, site . An Act To increase the appropriation for the acquisition of a site for the new House Office Building . March 28, 1930 136 Public Buildings Acts, amendments. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of certain public buildings, and for other purposes," approved May 25, 1926 (Forty-fourth Statutes, page 630) ; the Act entitled "An Act to amend section 5 of the Act entitled `An Act to provide for the construction of certain public buildings, and for other purposes,' approved May 25, 1926," dated February 24, 1928 (Forty-fifth Statutes, page 137) ; and the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secre- tary of the Treasury to acquire certain land within the District of Columbia to be u sed as spa ce for pub lic buildin gs," appro ved January 13, 1928 (Forty-fif th Statutes , page 51) . March 31,1930 136 Custer County, Nebr ., land title . An Act To quiet title and possession with respect to certain lands in Custer County, Nebraska . March 31, 1930 137 Mich igan jud icial dis tric ts . An Act To amend section 88 of the Judicial Code, as amended . March 31, 1930 138 Mount Vernon Memo rial Highway, Va . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An act to authorize and direct the survey, construction, and maintenance of a memorial high- way to connect Mount Vernon, in the State of Virginia, with the Arlington Memorial Bridge across the Potomac River at Washington," by adding thereto two new sections, to be numbered sections 8 and 9 . April 3, 1930 139 "Constitution," Frigate . Joint Resolution Making an appropriation to complete the restora- tion of the frigate Constitution . April 3, 1930 140 White House physician . An Act Allowi ng the ran k, pay, an d allowance s of a col onel, Medic al Corps, United States Army, or of a captain, Medical Corps, United States Navy, to any medic al officer below such rank assig ned to dut y as physi cian to the White Hou se . April 4, 1930 140 Rural post roads, additional authorizations . An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide t hat the Uni ted States shall aid the States in the co nstruction of rural p ost roads, and for other purposes," approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supple- mented, and for other purposes . April 4, 1930 141 Bridge, Arkansas River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Arkansas State Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Arkansas River at or near the city of Ozark, Franklin County, Arkansas . April 7, 1930 142 .