SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cn. 882. 1930. July 10, 1030.
CHAP. 882 .-An Act To amend the definition of oleomargarine contained in [Pu[H, N R.6.1 o.540.] the Act entitled "An Act defining butter, also imposing a tax upon and regulat- ing the manufacture, sale, importation, and exportation of oleomargarine," ap- proved August 2, 1886, as amended . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the oleomargarine .
United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of Vol . c'. p .777; Supp . the Act entitled "An Act defining butter, also imposing a tax upon r Po st, 3P. . is 4s and regulating the manufacture, sale, importation, and exportation of oleomargarine," approved August 2, 1886, as amended, is amended to read as follows Manufactured sub- " SEC . 2. That for the
of this Act certain manufactured stances, etc ., desig- n ated pur poses as. substances, certain extracts, and certain mixtures and compounds, including such mixtures and compounds with butter, shall be known and designated as `oleomargarine', namely : All substances heretofore kn own as ole omargarine, oleo, ole omargarine oil, butt erine, lar dine, suine, and neutral; all mixtures and compounds of oleomargarine, o leo, oleom argarine o il, butter ine, lardi ne, suine, and neutra l; a ll lard extracts and tallow extracts; and all mixtures and compounds of tallow, beef fat, suet, lard, lard oil, fish oil or fish fat, vegetable oil, annatto, and other coloring matter, intestinal fat, and offal fat;- if (1) made in imitation or semblance of butter, or (2) calculated or inte nded to be sold as butter or for butte r, or (3) churned, e mulsified, or mixed in cream, milk, water, or other liquid, and containing mois- ture in excess of 1 per centum or common salt . This section shall not apply to puff -pastr y short ening n ot chur ned or emulsif ied in milk or cream, and having a melting point of one hundred and eight- ee n degrees Fahrenheit or more, n or to any of the fol lowing con tain- ing condiments and spices : salad dressings, mayonnaise dressings, or mayonnaise products nor to liquid emulsion, pharmaceutical prepara- tions, oil meals, liquid preservatives, illuminating oils, cleansing com- pounds, or flavoring compounds ." Effective date of Act . SEC. 2 . This Act shall take effect twelve months after the date of its enactment . Approved, July 10, 1930 .