SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . Sass. III. CHs. 277, 278. 19-31 . General, may be necessary : Provided further, That the Postmaster t enactors and trailer General, during the fiscal year 1932, may purchase and maintain from the appropriation " Vehicle service " such tractors and trailer trucks as may be required in the operation of the screen-wagon and city delivery and collection service : Provided further, That in the Sums transferred to disbursement of this appropriation the Postmaster General may Stand ards Bureau for investigations of mate- transfer to the Bureau of Standards not to exceed $10,000 for scien- rials.
tific investigations in connection with the purchase of material, equipment, and supplies necessary in the maintenance and operation of the vehicle service . Trav el, etc °
For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, $5,000 . tea Trea p sr ury ofor field If the revenues of the Post Office Department shall be insufficient ser vice to supp ly d efi- to meet the appropriations made under Title II of this Act, a sum ciencies . equal to such deficiency in the revenues of such department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply such deficiency in the revenues of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and the sum needed may be advanced to the Post Office Department upon requisition of the Postmaster General . Travel expenses of civilians, authorized SEC . 2. Appropriations for the fiscal year 1932 available for when transferred from expenses of travel of civilian officers and employees of the execu- of loial stations .
tive departments and establishments shall be available also for expenses of travel performed by them on transfer from one official sta tion to anothe r when author ized by the he ad of t he depa rtment or establi shment concern ed in the ord er dire cting s uch tra nsfer Prov iso .
Provided, That such expenses shall not be allowed for any transfer Restriction,
effecte d for the conveni ence of any of ficer or employee. Limit on motor- SEC. 3. Expenditures from appropriations made herein for the veh icle exp endi ture . maintenance, upkeep, and repair, exclusive of garage rent, pay of operator, fuel and lubricants, on any one passenger-carrying vehicle used by the Treasury or Post Office Department shall not exceed one-third of the market price of a new vehicle of the same make or class and in any case more than $500 . A pproved , Febru ary 23, 1931 . February 23, 1931. [H.R. 15256.]
CHAP . 27 8 .-An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agri- [Publi c, No. 71 7 .] culture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and for other purposes . Department o f Agri- Be it enacted by the Senate, and Hous e o f Representati ves o f th e cul ture app ropri atio ns, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following fiscal year 1932 .
sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, namely Secretary's Office.
OF FICE OF THE SE CRET ARY SA LARIES Secretar y, Assistan t, For Secretary of Agriculture, $15,000 ; Assistant Secretary, and for office and field person- nel, labor, etc.
other personal services in the District of Columbia, including $7,294 for extra labor and emergency employments, and for personal serv- ices in the field, $763,815 ; in all, $778,815, of which amount not to Provisosm
exceed $750,815 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- Salaries limited to trict of Columbia : Provided, That in expending appropriations or Classification rates under portions of appropriations, contained in this Act, for the payment Classification Acts . 45 Viol .7 42, p . 1488; Vol. or personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with Ante, p. 1003 .
the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, with the exception of the Assistant Secretary the average of the salaries of the total number