Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1301

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III. Cx. 278 . 1931 . s eed, and plan ting, necessa ry for the us e, maintenanc e, improve- ment, and protection of the national forests, and of additional vol. 36,p.963;Vol .43,p . 653.

national forests created or to be created under section 11 of the Act . U. S. C., pp. 418-428. of March 1, 1911 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 521), and under the Act of June 7, 1924 (U. S. C., title 16, sets . 471, 499, 505, 564-570), and lands under contract for purchase or for the acquisition of which condemnation proceedings have been instituted for the purposes of said Acts, and for necessary miscellaneous expenses incident to th e general administration of t he Forest Service and of the national forests Di stri ct e xpen ses al- In national forest region 1, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and lo tted . PT OE i4O .

South Dakota, $1,509,546 : Provided, That the Secretary of Agri- Care of graves of fire culture is authorized to use not to exceed $200 in caring for the aght-rs .

graves of fire fighters buried at Wallace, Idaho ; Priest River Idaho ; Newport, Washington ; and Saint Maries, Idaho ; In national forest region 2, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Proviso .

Nebraska, and Oklahoma, $733,900 : P rovided, Th at not to exceed Forest .

National 1,000 of this appr opriation may be expended for the maint enance Long-horned cattle of the herd of long-horned cattle on the Wichita National Forest

on, maintenance . In national forest region 3, Arizona and New Mexico, $717,834 ; In national forest regio n 4 , Utah, Idaho, W yoming, Nevada, Ari- zona, and Colorado, $936,224 ; In national forest regio n 5, Californ ia and Nevad a, $1,264,767 ; In national forest region 6, Washington, Oregon, and California, $1,279,418 ; In national forest region 7, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, So uth Caro lina, Nor th Carol ina, Pen nsylvania , Tennes see, Vir - gi nia, Wes t Virgini a, New H ampshire , Maine, Porto Ri co, Mary - land, New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Vermont, $572,094 ; In national forest region 8, Alaska, $140,247 ; In national forest region 9, Michi gan, Min nesota, and Wisc on- sin, $135,210 ; Ag greg ate .

In all, for the use, mai ntenance, imp rovement, pr otection, and general administration of the national forests, $7,289,240, of which Pro vis os .

q45 000 shall be immediately available : Provided That the fore- Interchangeable al- q


> lotments for emergen- going amounts appropriated for such purposes shall be available cie s interchangeably in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture for th e necessary expenditures for fire protection and other unf ore- Restriction . seen exigencies : Provided further, That the amount so interchanged shall not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum of all the amounts so appropriated. righting forest fires . For fightin g and prevent ing forest fi res on or th reatening the national forests and for the establishment and maintenance of a patrol to prevent trespass and to guard against and check fires Reverted

Oregon- California lands, etcupon the lands revested in the United States by the Act approved . Vol. 39,p.218. June 9, 1916 (39 Stat., p. 218), and the lands known as the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands involved in the case of Southern Oregon Company against United States (numbered 2711), in the Circuit Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, $100,000, which amount shall be immediately available . Aerial fire control .

Aerial fire control : For cooperation with the War Department, or for contract airplane service, in the maintenance and operation of an airplane patrol to prevent and suppress forest fires on national for- Proviso . ests and adjacent lands, $50,000 : Provided, That no part of this Purchases forbidden' appropriation shall be used for the purchase of land or airplanes . Selecting, etc ., lands

Classification of lands : For the selection, classification, and seg- for homestead entries, etc. reg ation of lands within the boundaries of national forests that may be opened to homestead settlement and entry under the home- stead laws applicable to the national forests ; for the examination