Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1308

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1265 other agencies, and for all expenses necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of the Alaska game law, approved January 13, Vol 43, c pp3 573 1925 (U . S . C ., title 48, sees . 192-211), $155,650 : Provided, That of Proviso . Bu ild ings this sum not more than $4,000 may be expended for the purchase of ens . land and the purchase or construction of buildings for offices and quarters for use of wardens in Alaska . In all, salaries and expenses, $1,406,490 . UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER REFUGE B EAR RI VER M IGRAT ORY-BI RD RE FUGE MIG RAT ORY BI RD CONSERVATION ACT For carrying into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to more effectively meet the obligations of the United States under the migratory, bird treaty with Great Britain by lessening the dangers threatening migratory game birds from drainage and other causes by the a cquisition of areas of land and of water to furnish in perpetuity reservation for the adequate protection of s u c h b ir d s ; and authorizing appropriations for the establ ishment of such areas, their maintenance and improvement, and for other purposes," approved February 18, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp. III, title 16, sees . 715--715r), $400,000, authorized by section 12 of the Act, and in addition thereto $5,000 authorized by section 18 of the Act ; in all, $405,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appro- priation of $200,000 for the purposes of section 12 of said Act as co ntaine d in the A gricul tural Appro priat ion A ct for the fisca l year -57894'--31_80 for ward- Upper Mississippi River Refuge. Acquiring areas for . Vol . 43, pp . 650, 1354. U.S.C.,p.721. Vol. 43, p. 652. For the acquisition of areas of land or land and water pursuant to the Act entitled "An Act to establish the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge," approved June 7, 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 721-731), as amended, and for all necessary expenses incident thereto, including the employment of persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $150,000, which sha ll be available until expended, being part of the sum of $1,500,000 authorized to be ap propriated for such purpose by section 10 of said Act ; a n d f o r all necessary expenses of the Secretary of Agriculture authorized by section 9 of said Act, $47, 780 ; in all, $197,780 : Provided, That the Co Pr ovi so ntra. ~





cts authoriz ed Secretary of Agriculture may incur obligations and enter into con- for additional areas . tracts for the acquisition of additional areas to an amount which, inclusive of the amounts heretofore and herein appropriated, shall not exceed a total of 1,500,000, and such contracts shall be deemed ligatiDeemed Federal ob- $

ons . contractual obligations of the Federal Government . Bear River Migra- tory Bird Refu ge . For the establ ishme nt of a sui table refug e and feedi ng an d bre ed- Establishment, etc • ing grounds for migratory wild fowl, including the acquisition of Vol 45 p .448 . w ater right s and priva tely owned lands pursu ant t o the Act e ntitl ed, u . s. b., Supp. IV, "An Act to establish the Bear River migratory-bird refuge," p. 17 7. approved April 23, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 16, sees. 690-690h), and the resolution approved February 15, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1186), and for all expenses incident thereto, including the employ- ment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and else- Balance available . where, the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $75,000 for Ante, p . 410 . this purpose contained in the Agricultural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931 shall remain available until June 30, 1932 ; for ad ministrati on and ma intenance, includin g the cons truction o f necessary buildings and for personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $19,900 . All expenses. Administration, etc . Migratory Bird Con . servation Act . Acquiring land, etc ., for reservations in per- petuity . Vol.45,p.1224. U.S. C., Supp. IV, p.179. Expenses of Commis . sion. Vol. 45, p. 1225. Balance available . Ante, p. 416.