SEV ENTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cx. 280 . 1931 .
1327 Attorney General : Provided, That upon the written order of the Interchangeable ap Attorney General not to exceed 10 per centum of the amounts herein pro priat ions . appropriated under this heading, except the appropriations for con- struction and repair and working capital funds of penal and correc- tional institutions and for support of United States prisoners, shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the objects named, but the total of any appropriation shall not be increased by more than 10 per centum and under the following heads : Prison industries working g capital fund : The appropriations Prison industries entitled " Prison indust ries working capital fund, 1931 and pr ior working capital fund. years," an d " Prison in dustries work ing capital f und, 1931," are reappropriated as one fund and made available for the fiscal year 1932, including payment of obligations incurred in prior years ; and the said working capital fund and all receipts credited thereto may be used as a revolving fund for the fiscal year 1932, for the purposes authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the diversi- fication of employment of Federal prisoners, for their training and schooling in trades and occupations, and for other purposes," approved May 27, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 391) . United States penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas : For the United Penitentiaries . etc ., Leavenworth, Kans . States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, including not to exceed Salaries and wages. $690,180 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $1,942,440 . United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia : For the United Sala ries Atlanta's a. ~~
and wages. States pe nitentiary at Atlanta, Ge orgia, includ ing not to ex ceed $407,652 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $1,198,212. For construction and repair of buildings, including the purchase lion, Building et cng cons true' c. and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses inci- dent ther eto, to be ex pended so as to give the maximum amoun t of employment to inmates of the institution, $100,000 .
NcNeil Island, United S tates penite ntiary, McNei l Island, Was hington : For th e Wash . United States penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington, including Salaries, etc • not to exceed $200,020 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and not to exceed $1,600, including the exchange allow- ance of any vehicle given in part payment therefor, for the purchase veh icles . of a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, $516,060 . For construction and repair of buildings, including the purchase construction and repair of buildings . and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses inci- dent the reto, to be expended so a s to give the maximum amo unt of employment to inmates of the institution, $214,135 .
Northeastern P eni- United States Northeastern Penitentiary : For the United States ten t,ary . Penitentiary in the Northeast, including not to exceed $129,750 for Maintenance, etc . salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and not to exceed $2,000 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $287,000 . Federal Industrial Institution for Women, Alderson, West Vir- tion for st Women. nstltu. ginia : For the Federal Industrial Institution for Women at Alder- Salaries, etc . son, West Virginia, including not to exceed $173,206 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $352,400 .
Industrial Reforms- United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio : For toy . the United States Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, Salaries, et including not to exceed $291,588 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $790,448 .
Bui lding s, For the remodeling and construction of the neces- ties, etc.
con strue - Construction : sary buildings and appurtenances, purchase of mechanical equip- ment, and other expenses incident to the construction of buildings vcl. 4s, p. 724. in accordance with the provisions of "An Act for the establishment u. S. C., p.620. of a United States Industrial Reformatory," approved January 7,