Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1391

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SEV ENTY- FIRS T CONGR ESS. SESS. III. Cii . 280 . 1931 . Investigating mineral T est ing fuel : T o conduct inquiri es and scientifi c and technologi c fuel, etc . investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treatment, and use of mineral fuels, and for investigation of mineral fuels belonginto or for the use of the United States, with a view to their most - efficient utilization ; to recommend to various departments such changes in selection and use of fuel as may result in greater economy, and, upon request of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to inv est iga te the fuel-burning equipment in use by or pr opo sed for any of the departments, establishments, or institutions of the United States in the District of Columbia, $18 0,6 10, of which amount not trs tr °'ees in the Dis . to exceed $32,060 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia ; Mineral mining .

Mi ner al min ing investigations : For inquiries and scientific and Studies, investiga- t ions, etc ., for im pro ve- technologic investigations concerning the mining, preparation, treat- i ng condit ions in . ment, and util izati on o f ore s and min eral subst ance s, ot her t han fuels , with a view to improving health conditions and increasing safety, effi cie ncy, eco nom ic d evel opm ent s and con serving resource s throug h the prevention of waste in the mining, quarryin g, metallurgical, and other mineral industries ; to inqui re into the econo mic - conditions affecting these industries ; and includi ng all eq uipment, supplie s, expenses of travel and subsistence, and the purchase, not to exceed $2,500, inclu ding exc hange, o peration, mainten ance, an d repair of services in the ni s- motor-propelled passenger-carry ing vehicles, in cluding not to ex ceed trict .

$ 17,000 for perso nal services in the District of C olumbia, $1 65,460 : 0DZ30 Private work forbid- Provided, That no part of this appropriation may be expended for den •

an investigatio n in behalf of a ny private party ; Oil, gas, and oil shale Oil, gas, and oil-shale investigations : For inquiries and investi- inves tigations . gations and dissemination of information concerning the mining, preparation, treatment, and utilization of petrpleum, natural gas, a nd oil shale, in cluding economic conditions affec ting the industr y, with a view to economic development and conserving resources through the prevention of waste ; for the pur cha se of new spa per s Proviso.

relating to the oil, gas, and allied industries : Provid ed, Tha t s ecti on Purchas e of newspa . pers, etc .

192 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 102) shall not a.s., ., see. p. 19 2, 34. p.30. U. s.c

apply to su ch pu rchase of ne wspap ers fr om th is app ropria tion , and for every other expense incident thereto, including supplies, Ali other expenses . equipment, expenses of travel and subsistence, purchase, not to exceed $7,000, exchange as part payment for, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, purchase of labora- tory gloves, goggles, rubber boots and aprons, $232,860, of which tr Services in the Dis- amount not to exceed $26,180 may be expended for personal services i n the District o f Columbia ;

M ining

exper iment Mini ng exp erime nt sta tions : For the e mplo ymen t of per sonal stations . Personal services, etc . services, purchase of laboratory gloves, goggles, rubber boots and aprons, the purchase not to exceed $3,000, exchange as part payment for, maintenance and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carry- ing vehicles, and all other expenses in connection with the establish- Vos3Cp .p953. ment, maintenance, and operation of mining experiment stations, as provided in the Act authorizing additional mining experiment sta- tions, app rov ed March 3, 1915 (U. S. C., title 30, sec. 8), $231,570, of tri ervices in the Dis- which amount not to exceed $ 15, 700 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Pittsburgh, Pa ., sta- tion .

Buildings and grounds, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : For care and Lion . Exp enses of. maintenance of buildings and gr oun ds at Pittsburgh and Bru cet on, Pen nsylvania, includ ing personal ser vices, the purch ase, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger automobiles for official use, and all other expenses requisite for and incident thereto, including not to exceed $5,000 f or addit ions and improvements, $82,300 ;