Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1436

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1393 and other activities, and contingent expenses, equipment, supplies, and lighting fixtures, $42,000 . Care of buildi ngs and grounds . ala For p ersonal servi ces, including care of smal ler buildings and S smaller . ries .buildin gs rented rooms at a rate not to exceed $96 per annum for the care of and rented rooms . each school room, other than those occupied by atypical or ungraded classes, for which service an amount not to exceed $120 per annum may be allowed, $834,670 . MISCELLANEOUS

Misc ell ane ous . For the maintenance of schools for tubercular and crippled pupils, Jar Schools pupils, for tubercu • $11,000 .

Transporting tuber- For transportati on for pupils attending sch ools for tubercular cular and crippled pu- pupils, and for pupils attending schools for crippled pupils, $20,000


Provid ed, That expenditures for street-car and bus fares from this Car~lares, etc ., al- fund shall not be subject to the general limitations on the use of lowed . street-car and bus fares covered by this Act . For purchase and repair of furniture, tools, machinery, material, jagexpnses tc ., train- and books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in manual and vocational training, and incidental expenses connected therewith, $85,000, to be immediately available .

Fue l, lig ht, and For fuel, gas, a nd elec tric l ight an d power , $295 ,000 .

power . CARE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS I LRNITURE Furn itu re . Equipping desig- For completely furnishing and equipping buildings and additions nated school buildings . to buildings, as follows : Woodridge School, $2,095 ; Murch School, $2,900 ; school at Fourteenth Street and Kalmia Road, $4,995 ; Deal Junior High School, $44,015 ; Gordon Junior High School, twelve- room addition, including two gymnasiums, $16,190

Powell Junior

High School, eight-room addition, including one gymnasium, $18,000 ; Congress Heights School, four-room addition, inc lud ing combination gymnasium and assembly hall, $5,000 ; Young School, $13,090 ; Brown Junior High School, $44,015 ; Deanwood School, four-room addition, including combination gymnasium and assembly hall, $5,115 ; Whittier School, eight-room addition, $5,440 ; Stuart Junior High School, ten-room addition, including two gymnasiums, $13,820 ; Broad Branch Road, eight-room building, $8,570 ; Mann School, eight-room building, $8,570 ; Anthony Bowen School, twelve- room addition, $7,415 ; Noy es Sch ool , f our -r oom bu ild ing , $3,660 ; Available until June in all $202,890, to be immediately available and to continue available 30, 1933 . until June 30, 1933 .

Contingent expenses, For contingent expenses, including furniture and repairs of same, flags, etc • station ery, ic e, Unit ed Sta tes fla gs, pap er tow els, an d other neces sary items not otherwise provided for, and including not exceeding $8,000 for books of r eference and periodicals, not exceeding $1,500 for replacement of pianos at an average cost of not to exceed $3 00 each, not exceeding $5,000 for labor, and including $35 for reimburse- ment to the assistant superintendent in charge of business affairs for personal funds expended in litigation involving his official Proviso . position, $175,000, to be immediately available : Pr ovid ed, That a No . bond for Army bond shall not be required on account of military supplies or equip- supplies to cadets . ment issued by the War Department for military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the District of Columbia . Purchases sub j ect to No money appropriated in this Act for the purchase of furniture approval of Commia- and equipment for the public schools of the District of Columbia sinners, etc' 57894 °-31-88