Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1437

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SEVEN TY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SESS . III. CH. 282. 1931 . shall be expended unless the requisitions of the Board of Education therefor shall be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the purchasing officer and the auditor for the supplies to pupils. District of Columbia acting for the commissioners . Ante, p. 62. For textbooks and other educational books and supplies, as author- ized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 62), including not to exceed $7,000 for personal services, $225,000, to be immediately available. Ki nde rgar tens .

For maintenance of kindergartens, $7,000, to be immediately available. Sup plies f or physi cs, For purchase of apparatus, fixtures, specimens, technical books, etc ., departments. and for extending the equipment and for the maintenance of labora- tories of the departments of physics, chemistry, biology, and general science in the several high and junior high schools and normal sc hools, and for the installatio n of the same, $16,500, to be immediately available . School gardens .

For utensils, material, and labor for establishment and mainte- n ance of school g ardens, $ 3, 000 . Na ture st udy, etc ., The Board of Education is authorized to designate the months teachers . in which the ten salary payments now required by law shall be made to teachers assigned to the work of instruction in nature study and school gardens . Ch ildr en of A rmy, The chi ldren of officers and men of the United S tates Ar m Nav y, free .

and Marine Corps, and children of other employees of the United States stationed outside the District of Columbia shall be admitted to the public schools without payment of tuition . of Improving

Not to exceed $200,000 of the unexpended balances of appropria- Balance available. tions for buildings and grounds, public schools, contained in the Antep 969 1279 . District of Columbia Appropriation Act, fiscal years 1929 and 1930, is hereby made immediately available and shall continue available until June 30, 193 2, for the improv ement of grounds surrounding public-school buildings, constructed under appropriations for the fiscal year 1930 and prior fiscal years, such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise in the discretion of the Commissioners of the Dist rict of C olumbia . Repairs, etc ., to For repairs and improvements to school buildings, repairing and buildings . renewing heating, plumbing, and ventilating apparatus, installation and repair of electric equipment, and installation of sanitary drink- i ng fo untai ns, and m ainte nanc e of motor tru cks, inclu ding not to exceed $3,000 for purchase of two one and one-half ton trucks and including not to exceed $15,000 for exterior fire stairways, $492,000, of which amount $100,000 shall be immediately available . ColumbiaJunior For necessary remodeling, painting, and equipping, including the High and Abbot Voca- tional Schools .

repair and refinishing of suitable existing equipment, because of Remodeling, etc. contemplat ed change of use of buildings, as follows : Columb ia Junior High School, $15,000 ; Abbot Vocational School, $6,000 ; in all, $21,000, to be immediately available . Rent .

For rent of school buildings and grounds, storage and stock rooms, $3,000 . School yard p 1 a y- For purchase, installation, and maintenance of equipment, for groun ds. Prom so.

sch ool yard s for the purpose s of pla y of pup ils, $10,000 : Provided, use, etc'

That such playgrounds shall be kept open for play purposes in accordance with the schedule maintained for playgrounds under the jurisdiction of the playground department . TTnder tionp rohiblt e,timtru e . No part of the foregoing appropriations for public schools shall Except ions . be used for instructing children under five years of age except children entering during the first half of the school year who will be five years of age by November 1, 1931, and children entering during the second half of the school year who will be five years of age by