SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Crrs . 401, 402 . 1931 . limited . of rec overy SEC . 4 . If in any suit instituted hereunder for the value of lands taken, sold, or disposed of by the Uni ted States it be determined by the court that the Indians are entitled to recover judgment, the price of such lands shall be not to exceed $1 .25 an acre, except as to any lands the price of which has been otherwise fixed by general land laws enacted by Congress ; in which case the court may be governed by the latter prices . Filing of petitions .
SEC. 5. A petition or petitions may be filed hereunder in the Court Time for .
of Claims within five years after the date of this Act, and the Pillager Bands of Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota shall be the duns' a tto rney. by In. arty plaintiff and the United States the party defendant . The orne y.
11 petition or petitions may be verified by the attorne y employed by the said Indians to prosecute their claims, under contract to be approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of the Interior, as provided by law, and no other verification shall be necessary . allowed . ~d expenses SEC . 6 . Upon final determination of any suit hereunder the Court of Claims shall decree such fees and expenses as the court shall find to be reasonably due to be paid to the attorney or attorneys em- ployed by the said Indians, and the same shall be paid out of an Amount limited . sum or sums of money found due said Pillager Bands : Provide .
f That in no case shall the fees decreed be in excess of 10 per centum Disposition o f judg . went recovered .
of the amount of the judgment : Provided further, That the amount of any judgment shall be placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Pillag er Bands of C hippewa Indian s in Minne- sota and shall draw interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum and shall be thereafter subject to appropriation by Congress for educational, health, industrial, and other purposes for the benefit of said Indians, including the purchase of lands and building of homes, and no part of said judgmen t shall be pa id out in per capita pay- ments to said Indians . Approved, March 3, 1931 . March 3, 1931 . [S .4 248 .] CHAP. 402 .- An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to convey the Fort [Public, No . 789 .] Griswold tract to the State of Connecticut . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Conne ctic ut .
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Conveyance to, of Fort Griswold tract of War is authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed to authorized . the State of Connecticut, for the purposes of a public park and historic memorial, the tract of land owned by the United States known as the Fort Griswold tract, situated on the east shore of New London Harbor, in the State of Connectic ut, and bounde d northerly by the Fort Griswold monument reservation and by the land of various private parties, easterly and southerly by the land of vari- ous private pa rties, and we sterly by New London Harbor and by the Sight to repossess . land of various private parties ; reserving to the United States, how- ever, the right to resume possession and occupy said tract or any portion thereof whenever in the judgment of the President an emergency exists that requires the use and appropriation of the same for the pub lic defe nse . Approved, March 3, 1931 .