SE VENT Y-F IRS T C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 184 . 1930 .
183 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC BUREAU For the annual c ontributio n of the United States toward the
atir e alH yaro graphic Bureau . maintenance of the International Hydrographic Bureau, $5,790 . FOREIGN HOSPITAL AT CAPE TOWN For annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset H ospita l (a foreig n hos pital ), at Cape Town, $50, to be paid by th e Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital . I NTER NATI ONAL TRAD E-MA RK R EGIS TRAT ION BUREA U, Q UOTA OF UNIT ED mane registration l trade- STATES For the annual share of the United States for the expenses of the Ilahana Bureau ex- maintenance of the International Trade-Mark Registration Bureau pevii s os, p . 1680; Vol. at Habana, including salaries of the director and counselor, assistant 41 Po'st, p . 1318. director and counselor, clerks, translators, secretary to the director, stenographers and typ ewriters, messenger, watchmen, and laborers, rent of quarters, stationery and supplies, including the purchase of books, postage, trave ling expenses, and the cost of printing the bulletin, $4,961 . INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE UNIO N FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PRO PERTY For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting Industrial Property the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Indus Bureau . Indus- trial Property, at Berne, Switzerland, $1,700 . MIXED CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND GERMANY-AND TRI- PA RTIT E CLAIMS C OMMI SSIO N, UNIT ED S TAT ES, AUS TRIA , AND H UNGA RY For the expenses of determining the amounts of claims against Germany by the Mixed Claims Commission established under the agreement concluded between the United States and Germany on August 10, 1922, and subsequent agreement between those Govern- ments, for the determination of the amount to be paid by Germany in satisfaction of the financial obligations of Germany und er the treaty concluded betw een the Governments of the United States and Germany on August 2), 1921, fo r the expenses of determining the amounts of claims against Austria and Hungary by the Tripartite Claims Commission established under the agreement concluded be tween the United St ates and A ustria an d Hungary on Novembe r 26, 19 24, for the determination of the amount to be paid by Austria and Hungary in satisfaction of the financial obligations of Austria and Hungary under the treaties concluded between the Governments of the United States and Austria on August 24, 1921, and between the Governments of the United States and Hungary on August 29, 1 921, and/or the treaties of Saint Germann-en-Laye and Trianon, respectively, including the expenses which under the terms of such agreement of August 10, 1922, and the agreement of November 26, 19 24, are chargeable in part to the United States ; and the expenses of an agency of the, United States to perform all necessary services in connection with th e preparation of claims and the presentation thereof before said mixed and tripartite commissions, incl uding salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other assistants and employees, rent in the District of Columbia, employment of special Som ers et Hospital, Ca pe Town, South Africa . World War claims . German Mixed Claims Commission . Vol.42,p.2200. Vol. 45, pp. 26.2698. Post, pp 886, 1581 , Tripartite Claims Commission with Aus- tria an d Hungary . Vol 44, p. 2a13. Vol . 42, pp . 1946, 1956. Post, p. 886.