SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ci3. 184 . 1930 . STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE Salaries : For the Supervising Inspector General and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $37,800 . Steamboat inspectors : For eleven supervising inspectors ; inspec- tors of hulls and inspectors of boilers ; assistant inspectors, as authorized by law, for the following ports : New York, forty-three ; Pittsburgh, two ; New Orleans, ten ; Baltimore, ten ; Providence, four ; Boston, ten ; Philadelphia, twelve ; San Francisco, eighteen ; Buffalo, eight ; Cleveland, eight ; Milwaukee, four ; Chicago, six ; Grand Haven, two ; Detroit, four ; Norfolk, eight ; Seattle, fourteen ; Por tla nd (Or ego n), six ; A lbany, two ; Portla nd (Maine), four ; Los Angeles, six ; Galveston, four ; Mobile, four ; Savannah, two ; Toledo, two ; and six traveling inspectors ; in all, $972,600 . Clerk hire, Steamboat Inspection Service : For compensation of clerks to boards of steamboat inspectors, to be appointed by the Secretary of Commerce in accordance with the provisions of law, $185,480 . Contingent expenses : For the payment of fees to witnesses ; for traveling and other expenses when on official business of the Super- vi sing Ins pec tor Gene ral, De puty Sup erv isin g In spe ctor Gen eral , supervising inspectors, traveling inspectors, local and assistant inspectors, and clerks ; for instruments, furniture, stationery, street- car far es n ot to exc eed $25, jani tor servi ce, and every oth er t hing nec essar y to c arry into effec t the provi sions of t itle 46, ch apter 14, United States Code, $177,475 . BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Salaries : For the commissioner and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $73,840 . Admeasurement of vessels : To enable the Commissioner of Navi- gation to secure uniformity in the admeasurement of vessels, includ- ing the employment of an adjuster of admeasurements, purchase and exchange of admeasuring instrum ents, traveling and incidental expenses, $7,000 . Enforcement of navigation laws : To enable the Secretary of Com- merce to provide and operate such motor boats and employ thereon such persons as may be necessary for the enforcement, under his direction, of laws relating to navigation and inspection of vessels, boarding of vessels, and counting of passengers on excursion boats, including insignia, braid, and chin straps, and coats, caps, and aprons, for stewards' departments on vessels, $92,320 . Preventing overcrowding of passenger vessels : To enable the Secretary of Commerce to employ, temporarily, such persons as may be necessary, of whom not more than two at any one time may be employed in the District of Columbia, to enforce the laws to prevent overcrowding of passenger and excursion vessels, and all expenses in connection therewith, $18,840 . Shipping commissioners : For salaries of shipping commissioners, $44,800 . Clerk hire : For compensation, to be fixed by the Secretary of Commerce, to each person or clerk in the offices of shipping com- missioners, $112,340 . Contingent expenses : For rent, stationery, and other requisites for tr ansa ction of the busin ess of s hippi ng c ommi ssion ers' off ices, and for janitor in the commissioner's office at New York
- in all, $12,950 .
199 S teamb oat Inspec- tion Service . Supervising Insp ec- tor General and office per sonn el . Insp ecto rs . Assistants at desig- nated ports . Clerk hire . Contingent expenses . i.S.C.,pp.1488- 149 6. Navigation Bureau . Commissioner, and office personnel . Admeasurement of vesse ls. Motor boats to en . for ce navi gati on laws . Preventing over- crowding of vessels . Shipping commise sioners . Clerk hire . Contingent expenses, office of commissioners .