SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CHs . 254, 255 . 1930 . Inmat e ret ransf erred SEC . 7 . Any inmate of said United States hospital for defecti ve to penal institution on restoration of sanity, delinquents whose sanity or health is restored prior to the expiration etc . of his sentence, may be retransferred to any penal or correctional institution designated by the Attorney General, there to remain pur- suant to the original sentence computing the time of his detention or confinement in said hospital as part of the term of his imprisonment . Superintendent ete ., endenttono-
SEC . 8 . It shall be the duty of the superintendent of said hospital `
aut hor i- ti esi fy State of in sane convic ts, to notify the proper authorities of the State, District, or Territory at expiration of sen. tenc h where any insane convict shall have his legal residence, or, if this can not be ascertained, the proper authorities of the State, District, or Territory from which he was committed, of the date of the expira- tion of the sentence of any convict who, in the judgment of the super- Delivery of body intendent of said hospital, is still insane or a menace to the public . insane convict.
of The superintendent of said hospital shall cause to be delivered into the custody of the proper authorities of the State, District, or Terri- tory the body of said insane convict . Expenses of transfers . S EC. 9 . All transfers from penal and correctional institutions to or from the hospital for defective delinquents shall be made in such manner as the Attorney General may direct, and the expense thereof shall be paid from such appropriation as may be authorized . Selection ofsites, etc .,
SEC . 10. The expenses incurred in the necessary travel in the selec- payable from appropri- tion of a site, in making of surveys, the making of preliminary ation "Support of pris- o ners ."
sketches, and the securing of options shall be payable out of appro- Limit .
priation " Support of prisoners " for the fiscal year in which such expense is incurred, not exceeding, however, the sum of $20,000 . beapopriaed .aed to SEC . 11 . There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such funds Post, p . 1574.
as are necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act . Approved, May 13, 1930 . 1VIay 13,1930 .
[a .R . 7413.] CHAP. 255 .-An Act To amend an Act providing for the parole of United [Public, No . 202 .] States prisoners, approved June 25, 1910, as amended . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Board of Parole ore- United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in lieu of ate d lieu of former all existing boards of parole at Federal penal and correctional institutions as provided by the Act approved June 25, 1910 (chapter Vol . 36, p. 819. 387, Thirty-sixth Statutes, page 819), and all other Acts amendatory U .S.C.,p.514.
or supplementary thereto (sections 714 to 723, inclusive, title 18, composition . United States Code), there is hereby created a single Board of Parole to consist of three members to be appointed by the Attorney General, at a salary of $7,500 each per annum . vested in .' duties, etc., SEC . 2 . All power and authority now vested in, and all duties now imposed upon, the Attorney General and the several existing boards of parole with respect to the parole of United States prisoners Proviso. °
are hereby transferred to the Board of Parole created by this Act Restriction as to Provided, however, That this Act shall not affect the method, terms, State reformatory, or conditions under which United States prisoners confined in any State reformatory are paroled, except that the power to approve the release on parole of such prisoners is conferred upon the Board of Parole herein created . p riso ner Warrants toi retake SEC . 3. The said board, or any member thereof, shall hereafter role .
have the exclusive authority to issue warrants for the retaking of any United States prisoner who has violated his parole . The di Original entente not unexpired term of imprisonment of any such prisoner shall begin to run from the date he is returned to the institution, and the time th e prisoner was on p arole shal l not dim inish the time he wa s Effective in30days. °r SECa4 . This Act shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its approval . Approve d, May 13 , 1930 .