289 machinery, tanks, troughs, and other necessary equipment, and for necessary investigations and surveys for the purpose of increasing the available grazing range on unallotted lands on Indian reserva- tions ; not more than $75,000 for the Navajo Indians in Arizona and Distribution. New Mexico, not more than $27 ,500 for the Papago Indians in Arizona, not more than $5,000 for the Pueblo Indian lands in New Mexico, and not more than $6,000 for the Hopi Indians in Arizona ; in all, $114,000 . Developing water supply (fro m tribal funds)
For i mproving funds . from tribal sp rings , dr illin g wel ls, and o therw ise devel oping and cons ervin g water for In dian use, including the purchase, construction, and instal- la tion of p umpin g mac hine ry, t anks, tro ughs, and othe r nec essar y equipment, and for necessary investigations and surveys for the purpose of increasing the available grazing range on unallotted naR nervations desig- lands on Indian reservations : For the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico, $5,000 ; for the Consolidated Ute Reservation, Colorado, $3,000 ; for the Truxton Canyon Reservation, Arizona, $3,000 ; in all, $11,000, to be paid from funds held in trust for said tribes of Indians, respectively, by the United States . IRRIGATION AND DRA IN AGE
Irrigation and drain- age . For the construction rehair, and maintenance of irrigation sys- construction, main- t enance, etc ., of sys - tems, and for purchase or rental of irrigation tools and appliances, terns of, on reserva- water rights, ditches, and lands necessary for irrigation
tions. r3'
purposes Post, p. 1126 . for Indiarservatios and allotments ; for operation of irrigation systems or appurtenances thereto when no other funds are appli- cable or available for the purpose ; for drainage and protection of i rrigable lands f rom damag e by flo ods or l oss of w ater rig hts, upon the Indian irrigation projects named below, in not to exceed the fol- lowing amounts, respectively Irrigation district one : Colville Reservation, Washington, $20,100 ; Allotments to din Irrigation district two : Walker River Reservation, Nevada, $10,500, of which $1,500 shall be immediately available ; Western Shoshone Reservation, Idaho and Nevada, $5,000 ; Shivwits, Utah, $300 ; Irrigation district four : Ak Chin Reservation, Arizona, $8,000 ; Chiu Chui pumping plants, Arizona, $4,500 ; Coachella Valley pump- ing plants, California, $2,000 ; Morongo Reservation, California, $3,500 ; Pala and Rincon Reservations, California, $2,000 ; miscellane- ou s projects, $5 ,00 0 ; Irrigation district five : New Mexico Pueblos, $10,000 ; Zuni Reser- vation, New Mexico, $10,000 ; Navajo and Hopi, miscellaneous proj- ects, Arizona and New Mexico, $14,000 ; Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado , $10,00 0 ; For necessary miscellaneous expenses incident to the general Admi nis trat ion . Irrigati on engin eers, administration of Indian irrigat ion projects, including salaries of one etc f chief irrigation engineer, one a ssistant chief irrigation engineer, one superintendent of irrigation competent to pass upon water rights, not to exceed five supervising engineers, one field cost accountant, and Trave ling, etc., ex- for trav eling an d incide ntal expe nses of official s and em ployees o f pen ses ' the Indian irrigation service, $93,000 ; In all, for irrigation on Indian reservations, not to exceed $193,000, Reimbursement . Balances available . together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this Vol . 45, p .1573 . purpose for the fiscal y ear 1930, which i s hereby continu ed availa ble u . S . C Pp . 715 . until June 30, 1931, reimbursable as provided in the Act of August 1, 1914 (U. S . C ., title 25, sec . 385) : Provided, That no part of this u restricted . appropriation shall be expended on any irrigation system or reclama- tion project for which public funds are or may be otherwise avail- able : Provided further, That the foregoing amounts appropriated for Flood damages, etc ., such purposes shall be available interchangeably, in the discretion able'es' interchange- 57894 °-31-19