Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/333

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cs. 273 . 1930 . of the Secretary of the Interior, for the necessary expenditures for Li mitat ion .

da mages by floods and other unforeseen exigencies, but the amount so interchanged shall not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum of Apportionment of all the amounts so appropriated : Provided further, That the costs of costs on per acre basis . irrigation projects and of operating and maintaining such projects where reimbursement thereof is required by law shall be apportioned on a per acre basis against the lands under the respective projects and shall be collected by the Secretary of the Interior as required by stn aion char gesy.a such law, and any unpaid charges outstanding against such lands shall constitute a first lien thereon which shall be recited in any patent or instrument issued for such lands . San Carlos project, For all purposes necessary to provide an adequate distributin g, Ariz . O per atio n, tin 4tc pumping, and drainage system for the San Carlos project, authorized by the Act of June 7, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 475), and to continue con- struction of and to maintain and operate works of that project and De liv ery of wa ter to lands on Gila River of the Florence-Casa Grande project ; and to ma intain , ope rate, and R eserva tion . extend works to deliver water to lands in the Gila River Indian Reservation which may be included in the San Carlos project, includ- in g not more than $5, 000 for cr op and im provement damages an d Vol.45,p.1573. not more than $5,000 for purchases of rights of way, $600,000, reim- bursable as required by said Act of June 7, 1924, as amended, and subject to the conditions and provisions imposed by said Act as amended . Colorado River Res- For improvement, operation, and maintenance of the pumping ervation, Ariz . Extending i rrigation plants and irrigation system on the Colorado River Indian Reserva- ° Vol.36, p.273.

tion, Arizona, as provided in the Act of April 4, 1910 (36 Stat ., p. 273), $25,000, reimbursable as provided in the aforesaid Act . Ganado project, Ariz. For operation and maintenance of the Ganado irrigation project, Operation.

Arizona, reimbursable under such rules and regulations as the Secre- tary of the Interior may prescribe, $5,000 . San Carlos Reserva- For the operation and maintenance of pumping plants for the tioIrrigating Ariz . tribai irrigation of lands on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona, $5,000, lands. to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for Proviso . the Indians of such reservation : Provided, That the sum so used shall Re imb urs eme nt .

be reimbursed to the tribe by the Indians benefited, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe . Fort Hall, Idaho .

For improvements, maintenance, and operation of the Fort Hall operation .

irrigation system, Idaho, $40,000 . Kootenai I ndians, For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Act Idaho . Drainage of allot- approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p. 938), to provide reclamation of ments- Vol.45,p.938. Kootenai Indian allotments in Idaho within the exterior bound- Post, p. 1127. aries of drainage districts that may be benefited by drainage works Balance available . of such districts, th e unexpended balance of the appropriation of Vol.45,p. 1574. $114,000 contained in the Act of March 4, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1574), is hereby continued available until June 30, 1931 . Sac and Fox Indians, Iowa .

For the construction of a drainage system for lands of the Sac . Darainagaofl bs. and Fox Indians in Iowa, the unexpended balance of the appropria- Vol . 45, p.1574 . tion of $10,000 contained in the Act of March 4, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . Provisos .

1574), is hereby continued available until June 30, 1931 : Provided, Rei mburs ement from lands benefited. That said amount or so much thereof as may be used in the con- struction of the drainage system shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of leases covering the Indian lands bene- fited by the drainage work, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to lease such lands for periods not in excess of five years, and one-half the proceeds derived therefrom shall be used for payment of the cost of said work and the balance placed in the Treasury to the credit of the Indians, to bear interest at the rate of Lien against, not en- 4 per centum per annum : Provided further, That there is hereby Indians . while title in created against such lands a first lien, which lien shall not be enforced during the period that the title to such lands remains in the