SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. C$. 273. 1930 .
321 shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the objects included in this paragraph, but no more than 10 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except in cases of extra- ordinary emergency and then only upon the written order of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That of said sum not trstr°i` s in the Dis. exceeding $8,000 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia : Provided further, That all expenditures of money Supervision of ex- penses by Commis- a ppropr iated herei n for scho ol pur poses in A laska for s chools othe r sioner of Education . than those for the education of white children under the jurisdiction of the governor thereof shall be under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner o f Education and in conformity with such con- ditions, rules, and regulations as to conduct and methods of instruc- tion and expenditures of money as may from time to time be recom- mended by him and approved by the Secretary of the Interior : Contracts with school Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized boar ds fo r educ ating to enter into contracts with duly established school boards which native children . maintain schools in certain cities and towns to educate the children of nontax-paying natives including those of mixed native and white blood ; to lease school buildings owned b the United States Govern- ment to such contracting school boar ; and to pay such sch ool boards for service rendered an amount which shall not be in excess of the cost of operating a school for natives under present appro- p riatio ns in such town . For the construction at Shoemaker Bay, Alaska, of the necessary cons a kega naus- buildings and physical improvements for the establishment of an trial boarding school for industrial boarding school for natives of Alaska, $71,000 ; and the natives at. Secretary of the Interior is authorized to enter into contract or con- tracts for such construction at a cost not to exceed $171,000 . Medical relief in Alaska : To enable the Secretary of the Interior, 'edical and sanita ry i n his discr etion and u nder his di rection, wi th the advic e and coope ra- relief of natives' tion of the Public Health Service, to provide for the medical and sanitary relief of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska ; erection, purchase, repair, rental, and equipment of hos- p ital b uildi ngs ; books and surgical apparatus ; pay and nec essa ry traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and other employees, and all o ther neces sary m iscel laneo us exp enses which are not i nclude d und er the above special heads, $268,761, to be available immediately . The appropriations for education of natives of Alaska and medi- etec, of ,of new expenses, new appomtces cal relief in Alaska shall be available for the payment of traveling allowed from appropri- ex penses of new appoi ntees from Seattle, Washin gton, to t heir posts of duty in Alaska, and of traveling expenses, packing, crating, and transportation (in clud ing dra yag e) of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station within Alaska, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . GO VERNMEN T IN THE TERR ITORIES
Governmen t in the Territories . TERRITORY OF ALASKA
Alaska . Governor, secr etary, Governor, $7,000 ; secretary, $3,7 00 ; in all, $10,700 .
etc . For incidental and contingent expenses, of the offices of the gov- contingent expenses . ernor and of the secretary of the Territory, clerk hire, not to exceed $5,520 ; janitor service for the governor's office and the executive mansion, not to exceed $2,940 ; traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the capital on official business, and of the secretary of the Territory while traveling on official business under direction of the governor ; rent of offices, repair and preservation of gov- ernor's house and furniture ; for care of grounds and purchase of necessary equipment ; stationery, lights, water, and fuel ; in all, $18,000, to be expended under the direction of the governor . 57894°-31-21