Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/365

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SE VENT Y-F IRS T CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cia .273 . 1930 . Legislative expenses . Legislative expenses : For salaries of members, $21,600 ; mileage of members, $9,500 ; salaries of employees, $6,000 ; rent of legislative halls and committe rooms, $2,500 ; printing, indexing, comparing proofs, and binding laws, printing, indexing, and bindin journals, stationery, supplies, printing of bills, reports, and so fort, $10,400

in all, $50,000, to be expended under the direction of the Governor of Alask a . Reindeer stations . Reindeer for Alaska : For support of reindeer stations in Alaska and instru ction of Alas kan natives i n the care an d management of reindeer, including salaries of necessary employees in Alaska, sub- sistence, clothing, and other necessary personal supplies for appren- tices with Government herds, traveling expenses of pemployees, pur- chase, erection, and repair of cabins for supervisors, herders, and apprentices, equipment, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses, $2 2,000, to be available im mediately . Care of insane .

Insane of Alaska : For care and custody of persons legally adjudg ed ins ane in Alask a, inc luding compen sation of me dical provisos . supervisor detailed from Public Health Service, transportation, Payment to Santa- burial, and other expenses, $147,000 : Provided, That authority is rium company . g ranted to th e Secretary o f the Interio r to pay fro m this appro- priation to the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, or to other contracting institution or institutions, not to exceed $564 per capita per annum for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane sonetur , e tc, of per- patients during the fiscal year 1931 : Provided f urth er, That so dents, much of this sum as may be required shall be available for all neces- sary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates and in return- ing those who are not legal residents of Alaska to their legal resi- dence or to their friends, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, so soon as pr actic able, return to t heir p laces of re sidenc e or to the ir friends all inmates not residents of Alaska at the time they became insane, and the commitment papers for any person hereafter adjudged insane shall include a statement by the committing author- ity as to the legal residence of such person . Sup pre ssi ng liqu or Traffic in intoxicating liquors : For suppression of the traffic in int oxicating liq uors among th e natives of Alaska, to b e expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $16,200 . Al ai ka Rail ra e., The Alaska Railroad : F or every exp enditure requ isite for and expenses .

incident to the authorized work of the Alaska Railroad, including maint enance, oper ation, and im provements of railroads in Alaska ; Operation of v essels, maintenance and operation of river steamers and other boats on the etc ' Yukon River and its tributaries in Alaska ; operation and mainte- nance of ocean-going or coastwise vessels by ownership, charter, or arrangement with other branches of the Government service, for the purpose of providing additional facilities for the transportation of freight, passengers, or mail, when deemed necessary, for the benefit and devel opmen t of i ndust ries a nd tr avel a ffecti ng te rritor y tri butary Dam age c laims . t o the Alaska Railroad ; stores for resale ; payment of claims for losses and damages arising from operations including claims of employees of the railroad for loss and damage heretofore or hereafter resulting from wreck or accident on the railroad, not due to negligence of the cla ima nt, limi ted to clot hing and oth er nece ssar y pe rso nal effe cts used in connection with his duties and not exceeding $100 in value

volm9 pf7r injuries. payment of amounts due connecting lines under traffic agreements

U.S.C.,p.81. payment o f compensatio n and expens es as authori zed by sectio n 42 of the Injury Compensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (U .S. C ., title 5, sec . 793), to be reimbursed as therein provided, $1,000,000, additional receipts, in addition to all amounts received by the Alaska Railroad during Provisos

the fiscal year 1931, to continue available until expended : Provided, r°i ce Services in the Dis - trict .

That not to exceed $6,000 of this fund shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1931 :