332 Conveyance to Ma s- sachusetts of property outside boundaries, in exchange . Jo hn H. Abel. Return to heirs of, part of Quan tico M a- r ine Corps Reserva- tion . Vol. 40, p. 1880. Key west,r •la. Disposal of naval hospital at . Vol . 44, p. 702. Marshfield, Oreg . Disposal of former radio station at . Vol .44,p. 700. New O rlean s (Al- giers), La., naval sta- tion . Revocab le license of fl oating dry d ock, etc ., at . Condition. Proviso . Removal from vicin- ity of New Orleans, forbidden . Secretary authorized to execu te ne cessar y instruments . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cs. 278. 1930 . with the main portion of the flats appurtenant to Governors Island, in accordance with the points, bearings, and delineated areas as shown on a plan marked " Governors Island exc hange of land by Commonwealth of Massachusetts and United States of America, November, 1922," B ureau of Y ards and Docks, num bered 1000 40 . That in consideration of the conveyance by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the United States of all property of said Com- monwe alth l ying insid e of s aid b ounda ry lin es, a ll as appro ximat ely shown on the aforesaid plan, the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorize d to conv ey to the Commonwea lth of Mas sachusetts the property of the United States lying outside of and immediately adjoining said boundary lines . SEC . 7. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized in his discretion to return to the heirs-at-law of John H . Abel the title to all that tract of land containing five and seventeen one-hundredths acres, more or less, which was taken over by the United States by proclamation of the President, dated November 4, 1918, as a part of the Marine Corps Reservation, Quantico, Virginia . SEC . 8 . That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to dispose of the land and improvements comprising the former naval- hospital property, Key West, Florida, in like manner and under like terms, conditions, and restrictions as prescribed for the dispo- sition of certain other naval properties by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the disposition of lands no longer needed for naval pur- poses," approved June 7, 1926 (Forty-fourth Statutes, page 700), and the net proceeds from the sale of said hospital property shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the naval hospital fund . SEC . 9. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to dispose of the land and improvements comprising the former naval radio station, Marshfield, Oregon, in like manner and under like terms, conditions, and restrictions as prescribed for the disposition of certain other naval properties by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the disposition of lands no longer needed for naval pur- poses," approved June 7, 1926 (Forty-fourth Statutes, page 700), an d the net proceeds from the sale of said radio-station property shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the naval public- works construction fund created by section 9 of said Act . SEC . 10 . That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized to lease for periods not exceeding ten years, and revoca- ble on six months' notice, or at his discretion in case of national emergency declared by the President, the floating dry dock and water-front accessories at the naval station, New Orleans (Algiers), Lo uisiana, to the highest bidder at a rental that will not permit operation of the dock on other than a fair competitive basis with other local ship building and ship-repair plants operating dry docks, and the money received from the said rental shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Such leases shall be reported to Congress : Provided, That said floating dry dock and accessories shall not be removed from the vicinity of New Orleans . SEC . 11 . That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to e xecut e on behalf of t he Un ited S tates all i nstru ments neces sary to accomplish the aforesaid purposes . Appro ved, May 1 4, 1930 .