SEVE NTY -FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. C H. 289. 1930 .
353 Portland, Oregon, courthouse, and so forth, continuation .
Portland, Oreg . Portsmouth, Virginia, post office, customhouse, and so forth, con- Portsmouth , Va . tinuation . Prescott, Arizona, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continua- Prescott, Ariz . tion . P rice, Utah , post off ice, and so forth, completion .
Price, Utah . Princeton, New Jersey, post office, and so forth, continuation .
Prince ton, N . J. Pullman, Washington, post office, and so forth, completion .
Pullman, Wash . Racine, Wisconsin, post office, and so forth, continuation .
Racine, Wis. Red Bank, New Jersey, post office, continuation .
Red Bank, N.J. Reno, Nevada, post office, and so forth, continuation .
Reno, Nev. R ichf ord, Verm ont, inspe ctio n sta tion , con tinu ation .
Richford, Vt . Richmond, Virginia, post office, courthouse, and customhouse, Richmond, Va. con tinu ation . Roanoke, Virginia, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continua- Roanoke, Va. tion . Rouses Point, New York, inspection station, completion .
Rouses Point, N . Y . Rushville, Indiana, post office, and so forth, continuation .
Rushville, Ind . R utland, Ve rmont, pos t office, courthous e, and so forth, co ntinuation . Rutland, Vt. Sabine Pass, Texas, quarantine station, continuation .
Sabine Pass, Tea . Sacramento, California, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- Sacram ento, Calif . tinuation. Saint Johns, North Dakota, inspection station, completion.
Saint Johns, N . Dak. Saint Louis, Missouri, courthouse, customhouse, and so forth, con- sain t Louis, Mo . tinuation . Saint Paul, Minnesota, post office, customhouse, and so forth, con- Saint Paul, Mina . tinuation . Salisbury, North Carolina, post office, courthouse, and so fo rth, Salisbury, N. C . con tinu ation . Salt Lake City, Utah, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- s alt Lake Cit y, tinuation .
Utah. San Bernardino, California, post office, and so forth, continuation . o f . Bernardino, San Francisco, California, Federal office building, continuation .
San Francisco, Calif . San Francisco, California, marine hospital, continuation .
Marine hospital . San Luis, Arizona, inspection station, continuation .
San Luis, Ariz . San Pedro, California, post office, customhouse, and so forth, con- San Pedro, Calif . tin uati on . Santa Ana, Californ ia, post o ffice, and so forth , continua tion . Santa Ana, Calif. San Ysidro, California, inspection station, continuation . San Ysidro, Calif . Savannah, Georgia, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continua- savannah, Ga. tion . Scottsbluff, Nebraska, post office, and so forth, continuation .
Scottsbluff, Nebr . Scranton, Pennsylvania, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- Scra nton, Pa. tinuation.
Seattle, Wash . Seattle, Washington, Federal office building, continuation . Seattle, Washington, immigrant station, assay office, and so forth, et immigrant s tation, continuation . Sedalia, M issouri, post offic e, and so forth con tinuation . Sedalia, Mo. Sheffield, Alabama, post office, and so fort~, continuation . Sheffield, Ala . Sioux Fal ls, S outh Dako ta, post offi ce, c ourt house , and so forth , Sioux Falls, S . Dak . co ntinu atio n . South Bend, Indiana, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- South Bend, Ind . tinuation . South Sa int Paul, Minnesota, post off ice, and s o forth, c ontinuati on . Minnth Saint Paul, Spartanburg, South Carolina, post office, courthouse, and so forth, Spartanburg, S . C . co ntinu atio n . Springfield, Illinois, post office, courthouse, Weather Bureau, and Springfield, IIL so fort h, c omple tion . Springfield, Massachusetts, post office, courthouse, and so forth, Springfield, Mass . continuation, 5789.1°-31-23