354 Sumas, Wash . Sweetgrass, Mont . Sterlin g , Cole. Tampa, Fla . Taylor, Tex . Tecate, Calif. Toledo, Ohio . Trenton, Mo . Trenton, N. J . Trout River, N. Y. Tucson, Ariz . Tulsa, Okla . Ty rone, Pa . Union Springs, Ala. Uniontown, Pa. Ur bana, Ohio . Vermilion, S . Dak . Warren, Pa. Waterbury, Conn . Watertown, N . Y . Waukegan, Ill . Waynesburg, Pa . West Warwick, R . L White Plains, N . Y . Wichita, Kans . W ilkes-Ba rre, Pa . Woonsocket, R. I. Worcester, Mass . Youngstown, Ohio . Washington, D . (3 . Department of Agri- culture . Administrative and Extensible Buildings . Ar chives B uilding . Department of Com- merce Building . Gover nment Print- ing Office . In terna l Re venue Buildin g . Re modeling , etc ., oc - cupied buildings . Washington, D. C. Acquiring triangle properties for sites, etc . Vol. 45, pp. 51, 1663. Post, p. 907. S EVE NTY- FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 289. 1930 . Sumas, Washington, inspection station, continuation . S weetgrass, Montana, inspection station, continuati on . Sterling, Colorado, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continua- tion . Tampa, Florida, courthouse, post office, customhouse, and so forth, continuation. Taylor, Texas, post office, and so forth, completion . Tecate, California, inspection station, continuation . T oledo , Ohi o, co urthou se, c ustom house , and other Gove rnmen t offices, continuation . Trenton, Missouri, post office, continuation . Trenton, New Jersey, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . Trout River, New York, inspection station, completion . Tucson, Arizona, post office, courthouse, and so forth, completion . Tu lsa, Oklah oma, post o ffice, cou rthouse, a nd so fort h, continu a- tion . Tyrone, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, completion . Un ion Spring s, Alabama, post offi ce, contin uation . Uniontown, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, continuation . Urbana, Ohio, post office, and so forth, continuation . Vermilion, South Dakota, post office, continuation . Wa rren, Penn sylvania, p ost office , and so f orth, cont inuation . Waterbury, Connecticut, post office, and so forth, continuation . Wat ertown, New Yo rk, po st offi ce, com pletion . Waukegan, Illinois, post office, and so forth, continuation . Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, post office and other Government offices, comple tion . West Warwick, Rhode Island, post office, and so forth, continuation . White Plains, New York, post office, and so forth, continuation . Wichita, Kansas, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation . Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, continuation . Woon socket, Rh ode Island , post off ice, and s o forth, co ntinuation . Worcest er, Massachusetts, post office, courth ouse, and so forth, com- ple tio n. Youn gstown, Oh io, post o ffice, cou rthouse, a nd so forth , continua - tion . Wa shing ton, D istri ct of Colu mbia, Depar tment of A gricu lture Buildings Admini stratio n Build ing, co mpletio n . Extensible Building, continuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Archives Building, continu- a tion. Washington, District of Columbia, Department of Commerce Building, continuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Government Printing Office, continuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Internal Revenue Building, c omplet ion . Remodeling, and so forth, public buildings : For remodeling, enlarging, and extending completed and occupied public buildings, including any necessary and incidental additions to or changes in mechanical equipment thereof, so as to provide or make available additional space in emergent cases, not to exceed an aggregate of $25,000 at any one building, $500,000 . Acquisition of triangle properties under the Act approved January 13, 1928 : For continuing the acquisition of property as authorized by the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treas- ury to acquire certain lands within the District of Columbia to be