SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cii . 341 . 1930.
413 Soil-erosion investigations : To en able the Secre tary of A gricu l- Soil erosion. t~
Investigations, etc., ture,to make investigation not otherwise provided for, of the causes for control, etc ., of of s oil erosi on and t he possi bility o f increa sing the absorpti on of destructive. rainfall by the soil in the United States, and to devise means to be employed in the preservation of soil, the prevention or control of destructive erosion and the conservation of rainfall by terracing or other means, independently or in cooperation with other branches Cooperation With of the Gove rnmen t, St ate agenc ies, coun ties, farm org aniza tions , other activities . associations of business men, or individuals, $185,000 . Soil-bacteriology investigations : For soil-bacteriology investiga- s oil b acte riol ogy in- tions, including the testing of samples procured in the open mat ket, vestigations. of cultures for inoculating legumes, and if any such samples are found to be impure, nonviable, or misbranded, the results of the Publishing tests of impure cultures . tests may be published, together with the names of the manufacturers and of the persons by whom the cultures were offered for sale, $43,400 . Soil-fertility investigations : For soil-fertility investigations into Soil fertility. organic causes of infertility and remedial measures, maintenance of productivity, properties and corn position of soil humus, and the transforma tion and formation of soil hum us by soil organisms, $20 0,000 .
Se rvi ces in the Dis- Total, B ureau of Chemistr y and So ils, $1, 849,140, of which amount trict . not to exceed $1,192,476 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Entomology Bureau. Ge neral e xpenses . Investigations of in- For nec essary e xpenses c onnected with th e invest igations , experi- sects, etc ° ments, and demonstrations in reference to the items hereinafter enumerated for the promotion of economic entomology, for investi- gating the history and habits of insects injurious and beneficial to agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, for studying insects affect- ing man and animals, and for ascertaining the best means of destroy- ing insects found to be injurious, independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government, States, counties, a nd mu nicip alit ies, organ izat ions, and indi vidua ls co ncer ned, or with foreign governments, including the employment of necessary persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, rent Outside rent . outside of the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $3,000 for the erection of insectaries and other buildings : Provided, That the Proviso. cost of any such building shall not exceed $1,500, as follows :
Bu ild ings . For general administrative purposes, including the salary of chief Chief of Bureau, and of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, office personnel . $93,000 . Deciduous fruit insects : For insects affecting deciduous fruits, Deciduous fruits . grapes, and nuts, and including research on the Japanese and Asiatic beetles, $394,210 . Subtropical plant insects : For insects affecting tropical, ic al 7 sub- S ubtr opi cal pla nts . g
Pa rlatona date s cale, tropical, and ornamental plants and including research on the Par- etc . latoria date scale and the Mediterranean and other fruit flies, $ 166,500 . Truck and field crop insects : For insects affecting truck, garden, crop S ck and field and field crops, including insects affecting tobacco and sugar beets, $ 397,474 .
Forest insects . Forest insects : For insects affecting forests under section 4 of ° Methods for prevent- , infestations, , etc . the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U . S. C ., Supp . III, title 16, sec . Vol. 4 , p. 701. Iv, 581c), entitled "An Act to insure adequate supplies of timber and p .lis. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY SAL AR IES AND GENERAL EXPENSES