SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cii. 341 . 1930. other forest products for the people of the United States, to pro- mote the full use for timber growing and other purposes of forest lands in the United States, including farm wood lots and those a band oned areas not suit able for agric ultur al p roduc tion, and to secure the correlation and the most economical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture, through research in reforestation, timber growing, protection, utilization, forest econom- ics, and related subjects," $210,000 ; for insects affecting ornamental trees and shrubs, $10,000 ; in all, $220,000 . forage Cereal and forage insects : For insects affecting cereal and forage crops, including sugar cane and rice, and including research on European corn borer. the European corn borer, $545,000, of which $8,000 shall be imme- Crickets in Colorado . diately available for the control of the cricket in northwestern Co tton pink boll- Co lorado . worm, etc .
Cotton insects : For insects affecting cotton and including research on the pink bollworm of cotton, $303,120 . For in sects af fecting man and a nimals, $131,000 . For insects affecting stored products, $96,900 . For taxonomy and interrelations of insects, and including the importation and exchange of useful insects and an insect pest survey, $171,000. For bee culture and apiary management, $75,000 . Total, Bureau of Entomology, $2,593,204, of which amount not to exceed $457,090 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Ce real and crops . Man and animals . Stored products . Useful insects, insect pest survey . Bee cu lture . Services in the Dis- trict . Biological Survey Bu- reau. General expenses. Salaries, supplies, etc. Chief of Bureau, and office personnel . Rese rvatio ns for game . Montana National Bison Range . Pro tect ion of b ird preserves . Vol. 35, p. 1104. U.S. C.,p.4.1. Proviso. Purchase and lands. of ga me North American birds and animals . Food habits investi- gations, etc . Destroyin g predatory animals . Suppression of rabies . BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY SA LARIE S AND GEN ERAL EXPEN SES For salaries and employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, including the purchase . of bags, tags, and labels printed in the course of manufacture, traveling and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations and carrying ou t the wo rk of the bureau, as foll ows For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in th e Distri ct of Col umbia, $ 77,520 . Maintenance of mammal an d bird reservations : Fo r th e ma i n te - nance of the Montana National Bison Range and other reservations and for the maintenance of game introduced into suitable localities on public lands, under supervision of the Biological Survey, includ- ing construction of fencing, wardens' quarters, shelters for animals, landings, roads, trails, bridges, ditches, telephone lines, rockwork, bulkheads, and other improvements necessary for the economical administration and protection of the reservations, and for the enforcement of section 84 of the Act approved March 4, 1909 (U . S . C., title 18, sec . 145), entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," and Acts amendatory thereto, $80,000 : Provided, That $2, 500 m ay be use d for the purc hase, cap- ture, and transportation of game for national reservations, and not to exceed $700 additional for the purchase of land, including improve- ments thereon, adjoining the National Bison Range . Food habits of birds and animals : For investigating the food habits of North American birds and other animals in relation to agri- culture, horticulture, and forestry ; for experiments, demonstrations, and cooperation in destroying mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, bob- cats, prairie dogs, gophers, ground squirrels, jack rabbits, and other animals injurious to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal hus- bandry, and wild game ; and for the protection of stock and other