Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/471

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. C$. 342. 1930. Duties of personnel . (d) The personnel of the Bureau of Prohibition shall perform such duties, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, as the Attorney General shall prescribe . sion created in Tress . En

d iva- SEC. 3 . (a) The Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney Gen- reated uiEo nB . Bureau o f Pr•hi- eral by joint regulation shall, as soon as may be after the passage and approval of this Act, create an enforcement division in the Bureau of Prohibition in the Treasury Department and place in and apportion to such enforcement division so much of the personnel, appropriations, records, files, and property of said bureau as they shall agree upon . to Bureau Transfer of ofp Prohibi- ersonnel

(b) All attorne ys, off icers, and emp loyees of the e nforcem ent div i- tion, Department of sion of the Bureau of Prohibition in the Treasury Department are Justice . An p.342.

here by tran sferred, witho ut chang e in cl assific ation o r compe nsation, Post,p.1071.

to the Bureau of Prohibition in the Department of Justice, but such atto rneys s hall no t be su bject to the pr ovision s of th e civil service Proviso' laws : Provided, That all officers and employees of the Bureau of Dismissal of officials Prohibition who the Attorney General finds have heretofore vio- vlolating prohibition laws .

lated or shall hereafter violate any penal provisions of the Federal prohibition laws shall be dismissed . Enforcement division (c) All records, files, and property (including office equipment) records, appropriations of the enforcement division of the Bureau of Prohibition, and the etc ., transferred to Bu- reau in Department of portion of the unexpended appropriations for the Bureau of Pro- Justice n hibition in the Treasury Department apportioned for the use of such enf orcem ent d ivis ion, are t ransf erred to t he Bu reau of P rohib ition in the D epart ment of Ju stice . Availability of trans-

(d) Appropriations transferred by this Act shall be available for ferred appropriations- expenditure by the bureau to which they are transferred as if such bureau had been named in the Act making the appropriations . Duti es of Attorn ey SEC. 4 . (a) The following duties are imposed upon the Attorney Gen eral .

General Investigate violations

(1) T he in vesti gatio n of viola tion s of the N ation al Pr ohibi tion of prohibition laws and Act and violations of the internal revenue laws if a violation of penal provisions of in-

5 ternal revenue Act, such Act is involved, for the purpose of enforcing the penal provi- sions of such Act and laws . Apprehend and pros- (2) The apprehension and prosecution of offenders against such ecute offenders .

Act, and offenders against the internal revenue laws if a violation of such Act is involved . Seizures, forfeitures,

(3) The making of all seizures and enforcement of all forfeitures compromises, etc . under such Act, or under the internal revenue laws if a violation of Uo1S. C .,Spp . Iv, such Act is invlved; and the remission or mitigation under section p.415. 709 of the Revenue Act of 1928 (United States Code, Supplement III, title 26, section 2709), of any such forfeiture under the internal revenue laws; and Determination of lie- (4) The determination of liability for internal revenue taxes and bility for taxes, etc .

pena lties i f a vio lation of the N ational Prohib ition A ct is in volved, and the institution of suits upon, and compromise (before or after suit is brought) of, any cause of action under such Act or under the Assessments and col- internal revenue laws if a violation of such Act is involved; but all lec tion s un der Secr e- assessments and collections shall be made under the direction of the tart' of the Treasury. Sec retar y of the Treas ury, in ac ccord ance with exis ting law . Ad mini stra tive ac- (b) The duty to make all investigations necessary in or incidental tion, etc., as to bonds to administrative action with respect to permits and bonds given in and permits, by SecreS tary of the Treasury connection therewith and the power to make seizures and arrests for violations discovered in the course of such investigations shall remain Enforcing penal pro- with the Secretary of the Treasury, but the Attorney General shall visions of prohibition laws by Attorney Gen- make such investigations as he deems necessary to prevent violations eral

of, or for the purpose of enforcing the peal provisions of, the National Prohibition Act .