Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/487

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cii. 348 . 1930 . electric light and power, sewerage, grading, roads and walks, and other equip ment requi red, $ 3,010 ,000 . AIR Conrs Air Corps. AIR CORPS, ARMY Desi g nated purposes . For creating, maintaining, and operating at established flying schools and balloon schools courses of instruction for officers, stu- dents, and enlisted men, including cost of equipment and supplies necessary for instruction, purchase of tools, equipment, materials, machines, textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional pape rs, ins tru ment s, and mat eria ls for theo ret ical an d pr act ical Aircraft op eration, instruction ; for maintenance, repair, storage, and operation of air- construction, etc . ships, war balloons, and other aerial machines, including instru- ments, materials, gas plants, hangars, and repair shops, and appli- ances of every sort and description necessary for the operation, con- struction, or equipment of all types of aircraft, and all necessary L andin g, etc ., run- spare parts and equipment connected therewith and the establish- ways . ment of l anding an d take-off runways ; for purchase of supplies for securing, developing, printing, and reproducing photographs in connection with aerial photography ; improvement, equipment, maintenance, and operation of plants for testing and experimental work, and procuring and introducing water, electric light, and Helium gas .

power, gas, and sewerage, including maintenance, operation, and Post, p. s2 s.

repair of such utilities at such plants ; for the procurement of Civilian employees . helium gas ; salaries and wages of civilian employees as may be necessary, and payment of their traveling and other necessary expenses as authorized by existing laws ; transportation of m ate- rials in connection with consolidation of Air Corps activities ; P urcha se, ma nufa - tore, etc ., of aircraft. experimental investigation and purchase and development of new types of aircraft, accessories thereto, and aviation engines, includ- in g plans, drawings, and specifications thereof, and the purchase o f letters p atent, appl ication of letters pat ent, license s under let ters Balloons , etc . p atent and applic ation s for lette rs pa tent ; for the purchase, man- ufacture, and construction of airships, balloons, and other aerial machines, including instruments, gas plants, hangars, and repair sh ops, and appliances of every sort and description necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of all types of aircraft, Markingmilitaryair. ways . and all necessary spare parts and equipment connected therewith ; for the marking of military airways where the purchase of land is not involved ; for the purchase, manufacture, and issue of spe- equipmDispesalent, of etc . surp lus cial clothing, wearing apparel, and similar equipment for aviation purposes ; for all necessary expenses connected with the sale or disposal of surplus or obsolete aeronautical equipment, and the rental of buildings, and other facilities for the handling or storage C ons ulti ng eng ine ers . of such equipment ; for the services of not more than four consulting engineers at experimental stations of the Air Corps as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 a day for not exceeding fifty days each and necessary traveling expenses ; purchase of special apparatus and appliances, and plaan ts etc printing scientific edicala re earchi n the eAir Cops


maintenance and special e o perat ion o f such Air Corps print ing p lants outsi de of the D istri ct special services .

of Columbia as may be authorized in accordance with law ; fo r p u b- lications, station libraries, special furniture, supplies and equip- Proisoss ment for offices, shops, and laboratories ; for special services, includ- Designated allot- i ng the salv aging of wr ecked aircr aft, $35,8 23,473 : P rovided, T ha t m iv. Civilian employees . not to exceed $3,692,881 from this appropriation may be expended for pay and expenses of civilian employees other than those employed