SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . CH .407 . 1930 .
511 For the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of moto r vehicles for carrying the mails, $3,400 . OFFICIAL REPORTE RS OF DEBATES Sa la ri es : Six official reporte rs of the proceedings and deb ates of the House at $7,500 each ; assistant, John J . Cameron, $3,000 ; clerk, $3,360 ; six expert transcribers at $1,740 each ; janitor, $1,440 ; in all, $63,240 . COMMITTEE STENOGRAPHERS Salaries : Four stenographers to committees, at $7,000 each ; jan- Stenographers to itor, $1,440 ; in all, $29,440 . Whenever the words "during the session" occur in the fore- "During the session" going paragraphs t hey shall be construed to mean the one hundred to mean 121 days . and twenty-one days from December 1, 1930, to March 31, 1931, both inclusive . CLERK HIRE, MEM BER S AND D ELEGA TES For clerk hire necessarily e mployed by each Member, Dele gate, and be Clerk hire of Mem- Resident Commissioner, in the discharge of his official and represent- 38. ative duti es, in accordance with the Ac t entitled "An Act to fix the u , s'. p. c., Supp. IV, compensation of officers and employees of the legislative branch of p .8. the Government, approved June 20, 1929, $2,200,000 . CONTINGENT E XPENSE S OF THE HOUSE Mail vehicles. Official reporters . Contingent expenses . For materials for folding, $3,000 .
Folding . For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, inc luding not Furniture, et c. t o exceed $20,000 for labor, tools, and machinery for furniture repair shops, $40,000 . For packing boxes, $4,500 .
Packing boxes. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of salaries and labor unless Miscellaneous items. specifically ordered by the House of Representatives, including reim- bursement to the official stenographers to committees for the amounts actually a nd necessarily paid out by th em for transcribing hearings, and including not to exceed $750 for medical supplies, equipment, and conti ngent expense s for the eme rgency room and for the a ttending Ex pen ses, m ajor ity physi cian, and not exceeding $2 ,000 for off icial expense s of the floor leader . major ity floor lea der as author ized by Hous e Resolution Numbered 101, Seventy-first Congress, ap proved Decem ber 18, 1929, $75,000 . For stenographic reports of hearings of committees other than fng ommittee re por t- special and select committees, $25,000 . For expenses of special and select committees authorized by the co mmittees . and select House, $40,000 . For telegraph and telephone service, exclusive of personal serv- graph service . c and taco- ices, $90,000 . For stationery for Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Com- stationery . missioners, including $5,000 for stationery for the use of the commit- tees and officers of the House, $60,000 . For postage stamps : Postmaster, $250 ; clerk, $450 ; sergeant at Postage stamps . arms, $300 ; doorkeeper, $150 ; in all, $1,150 . For driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile bile esker's automo for the Sp eaker, $4,000 . For folding s peeches and p amphlets, at a rate not e xceeding $1 Foldingspeeehes,ete per thousand, $20,000 .
Clerical assistance to For assistance rendered during the calendar years 1929 and clerk of the House . 1930 in compiling list of reports to be made to Congress by public officials ; compiling copy and revising proofs for the House por-