512 Specified objects. Re cording, etc ., po lit- ical statements . Vol. 43, p. 1071. U.S.C.,p.15. William Tyler Page . Compiling, etc., doc- uments in contested election cases, 71st Con- gress . Vol. 24, p. 445. U.S.C.,p.13. A dditi onal
assist- ance. Capitol Police. Pay. Salaries : Captain, $2,460 ; three lieutenants at $1,740 each ; two special officers at $1,740 each ; three sergeants at $1,680 each ; forty- four privates at $1,620 each ; one-half of said privates to be selected by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and one-half by the Sergeant at Arms of the House ; in all, $87,480 . Co ntin gent exp ense s . For contingent expenses, $200 . Uniforms, etc .
For purchasing and supplying uniforms and motor cycles to Capi- tol police, $6,750, to be immediately available . Division of disburse- ments
One-half of the foregoing amounts under " Capitol police " shall .
be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the Clerk of the House . Jo int Comm itte e on Printing . Clerk, etc . Vol . 28, p. 603. U.S. C.,p.1418. Congressional Direc- tory. Office of Legislative Couns el . Salaries, etc, Statement of ap- propriations. Preparing, first and second sessions Seven- ty-first Congress . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cu. 407 . 1930 . tion of the Official Register ; preparing and indexing the statistical reports of the Clerk of the House ; compiling the telephone and Me mbe rs' d ire ct ori es ; prepa ring and index ing the d aily Cale ndars of Business ; preparing the official statement of Members' voting records ; preparing list of congressional nominees, and statisti cal summary of elections ; preparing and indexing questions of order printed in the appendix to the Journal pursuant to House Rule III ; and for recording and filing statements of political committees and candidates for election to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, 1925 (U. S. C., title 2, sec. 241-256), $5,000 . To pay William Tyler Page, Clerk of the House of Representa- tives, for services in compiling, arranging for the printer, reading proof, indexing testimony, stenography and typewriting, super- vision of the work, and expenses incurred in the contested-election cases of the Seventy-first Congress, as authorized by the Act entitled "An A ct r elati ng to con teste d ele ctio ns," appro ved March 2, 188 7 (U . S . C., title 2, sees . 201-226), $2,483 .68, and an additional sum to such persons as were actually engaged in the work, designated by him, and in such proportions as he may deem just for the assistance rendered in the work, $1,516 .32 ; in all, $4,000 . CAPITOL POLICE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING p Salaries : Clerk, $4,000 and $800 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent ; inspector under section 20 of the Act approved January 12, 1895 (U . S . C., title 44, sec . 49), $2,820 ; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,400 ; for expenses of compiling, re paring, and indexing the Congressional Directory, $1,600 ; in all, $$11,620, one half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House . OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL For salaries and expenses of maintenance of the office of Legisla- ti ve Couns el, as au thorized by law, $75,000 , of whi ch $37,50 0 shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and $37,500 by the Clerk of the House of Representatives . STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS For preparation, under the direction of the Committees on Appro- priations of the Senate and House of Representatives of the state- ments for the first and second sessions of the Seventy-first Congress, showing appropriations made, indefinite appropriations, and con- tracts authorized, together with a chronological history of the regu-