SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cx. 463. 1930. Naval Academy,Md. Buildings and grounds, Naval Academy : Improvement of water fro nt, $10 0,000 ; improvement of railroad system, $180,00 0 ; in all , $280 Nodoik,v a
,000 . Navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia : Improvement of electric system, $50,000 ; improvement of power distribution in shops, $28,000 ; improvement of dry-dock pumping equipment, $22,000 ; improvement of dry-dock numbered 2, $30,000 ; in all, $130,000 . Charleston, s . C .
Navy yard, Charleston, South Carolina : Dredging, to continue, $36,000. Mare Island, Calif . Navy yard, Mare Island, California : Dredging, to continue ~ $100,000 ; improvement of old buildings, $60,000 ; power plant and dis trib utin g sy stem s, $ 132, 000 ; improvement of water front, $300,000 ; improvement of Vallejo-Mare Island causeway, $75,000 ; in all, Puget sound, wash. $667,000 . Navy yard, Puget Sound, Washington : Exten sion o f Dry Dock Numbered 2, $290,000 . Hampton Roads, va. Naval operating base, Hampton Roads, Virginia : Dredging, to continue, $100,000 ; improvement of fuel-oil storage, $90,000 ; in all, $190,000 . Canal Zone.
Naval Operating Base, Canal Zone : Blocking for Balboa Dry Dock, $50,000 . Guantanamo, Cuba . Naval station, Guantanamo, Cuba : Improvement of oil storage area, $18,000 . w earl Harbor, Ha- Naval station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii : Improvement of fire protec- tion, $100,000 ; reerection of storehouse, $80,000 ; in all, $180,000 . Cavite, P .1 .
Naval station, Cavite, P . I . : Improvement of power plant, $28,000 ; improvement of fresh-water storage, $18,000 ; in all, $46,000. Ammunition storage Ammunition storage facilities, Navy : To continue providing am- ~vi.45,p .928 .
munition storage facili ties authorized by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, $2,000,000 . Ions gland, N.Y .
Naval ammunition depot, Iona Island, New York : Improvement of buildings numbered 504 and 508, $44,000 . Lake Denmark, N.J. Naval ammun ition depot, Lake Denmar k, New Jerse y : Rep lace shell house, $35,000. Fort Mimin, Pa.
Naval ammunition depot, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania : Dredgi ng, $15,000 . Saint Juliena creek, Naval ammunition de ot, Saint Juliens Creek, Virginia : Improve- Va.
ment of steam system, $54,000 . Mare island, COL
Naval ammunition depot, Mare Island California : Improvement of fire protection, $22,000 ; improvement o1 storage buildings, $20,000 ; in all, $42,000 . Puget Sound, Wash . Naval ammun ition depot, Puget Sound , Wash ington : Improve- ment of telephone system, $5,000 . Newport, R.I.
Naval torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island : Improvement of power plant and distributing system $28,000 . Keyport, Wash,
Naval torpedo station, Keyport,
- Wa shingt on
Improvement of telephone system, $5,000 . Yorkto wn, Va.
Navy mine depot, Yorktown, Virginia : Improvement of water system, $17,000. Great Lakes, Ill.
Naval training station, Great Lakes, Illinois, buildings : Improve- ment of power plant and heating system, $72,000 . Quantico, Va .
Marine barracks, Quantico, Virginia : Filling, grading, and pav- Brooklyn, N. Y.
isin gavy $210, sup 000. ply depot, Brooklyn, New York : Improvement of fire protection, $50,000 . San Die go, cam
Naval fuel depot, San Diego, California : Improvement of fuel-oil' storage, $65,000 . New London, Coon. Submarine base . New London, Connecticut : Improvement of water front, $135,000 .