Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/615

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cu. 463. 1930 . Catapults, etc.

meat, $13,235,700, including $428,000 for the equipment of vessels Helium.

with catapults and including not to exceed $166,000, to be transferred . Ante, pp. 212 444. in advance to the Bureau of Mines, for the procurement of helium

New types of aircraft . for continuing experiments and development work on all types of aircr aft, i nclud ing t he pay ment of pa rt-tim e or interm itten t emp loy- ment in the Dist rict of Col umbia or e lsewhe re of such scien tists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $2 0 per diem for New con str uct ion , any person so employed, $2,000,000 ; for drafting, clerical, inspection, e tc,

and messenger service, $834,511 ; for new construction an d procure- ment of aircraft and equipment, including not to exceed $707,700 Incurred obligations. fo r the Naval Reserve, 813,033,800, of which amount not to exceed $10,000,000 shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the contract authorization for these purposes carried in the Navy Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, a pproved M arch 2, Vol . 4sip .1465.

1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1465) ; toward the construction of the rigid air- Rigid Uoi.B.. S 765. . IV ships as provided in the Act authorizing construction of aircraft, p.501. and so forth, approved June 24, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 34, sec . 749a), and subject to the contractural conditions stipulated as to su ch rigid airships in the Act making appropriations for the Navy A cco unt ing as one Department and the naval service for the fiscal year 1929, $1,800,000 ; fund .

in all, $32,033,211 ; and the money herein specifically appropriated fo r "Aviation " shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance Contract

with existing law and shall constitute one fund : Provided, That in for new air- planes ° addition to the amount herein appropriated and specified for expen- diture for new construction and procurement of aircraft and equip- ment, the Secretary of the Navy may, prior to July 1, 1932, enter into contracts for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equipment, spar e parts and accessories, to an amount not in iced. Shore st ations lim- excess of $10,000,000 : Provided further, That no part of this appro- priation shall be expended for maintenance of more than six heavier- Ai rplane fact ory co n_ than-air stations on the coasts of the continental United States struction forbidden . Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used D ete rmi nat ion of for the construction of a . factory for the manufacture of airplanes : damages claims. Provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby author- ized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and pay out of this ap propriatio n the amo unts due o n claims for damage s which ha ve occurred or may occur to private property growing out of the oper- ations of naval aircraft, where such claim does not exceed the sum Naval Academy.

of $500 . NAVAL ACADEMY Pay of professors, etc. Pay, N aval Academy : Pay for professors and others, Naval Pr ovi so

Academy : Pay of professors and instructors, including one pro- Pay rest rictio n .

fe ssor as libr arian, $290 ,000 : Prov ided, That not more than $ 36, 50 0 shall be paid for masters and instructors in swordsmanship and Employees .

physical training ; For pay of employees at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Cur rent expens es . Navy, $625,000 . Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academy : For text and reference books for use of instructors ; stationery, blank books and forms, models, maps, and periodicals ; apparatus and materials for instruction in physical training and athletics ; expenses of lectures and entertainments 2 not ex ceedi ng $1 ,000, inclu ding p ay an d exp enses of lecturer ; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, apparatus, and materials for Li bra ry' instruction purposes, $77,800 ; for purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be purchased in the open market on the written order of the superintendent), $5,000 ; for expenses of the