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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/628

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . CHs. 484, 48 7, 488 . in the Sixt h Pan Ame rican Ch ild Cong ress, to be held at Lima, Peru, July, 1930, an appropriation in the sum of $13,000, or so much thereof as may be n ecessary, is here by autho rized fo r travel expenses, sub- sistence, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, or per diem in lieu of subsistence, printing and binding, compensation of emp loyees, rent, of ficial cards, p reparati on, tran sportati on, ins talla- tion, and demonstration of a suitable exhibit, and such other expenses as the Pres ident sha ll deem proper . Approved, June 13, 1930 . 1930 .

585 Sum authorized for expenses of delegates to, Sixth, at Lima, Peru . CHAP. 487 .- An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act Providing for the [H. 14,1 930 . J une

R. 972 .9 revision and printing of the index to the Federal S tatutes," a pproved Marc h 3, [P ublic, No . 356 .] 1927 . Be it en acted by the Sena te and H ouse o f Represe ntatives of the Index to Federal United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Statutes . March 3, 1927, entitle d "An Act providin g for th e revisio n and ame nded . p. 101 ' printing of the index to the Federal Statutes " (chapter 375, Forty- fourth Statutes at Large, page 1401), be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows ~~ That the Libraria n of Con gress is hereby authorize d and di rected . Revision and print . ing of, authorized, to to h ave the i ndex to the Fede ral Stat utes, pu blished i n 1908 a nd inclu de Seven tieth known as the Scott and Beaman Index, revised and extended to congress- Acts of Congress down to and including the Acts of the Post,p. 1187. include the Seventieth Congress, and to have the revised index printed at the Government Printing Office . "SEC . 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for carry- ing out the provision s of thi s Act the sum of $ 50,000, t o remain available until expended ." Approved, June 14, 1930 . Sum authorized for. June 14, 1930 . CHAP. 488.An Act To create in the T reas ury Dep artm ent a Bureau of [H. R . 11143.1 Narcotics, and for other purposes .

[ Public, No. 35 7 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there shall Treasury Depart - mente be in the Department of the Treasury a bureau to be known as the Bureau of Narcotics Bur eau of Na rcotics a nd a Com missioner of Narco tics who shall be commissioner, sp- at the head thereof . The Commissioner of Narcotics shall be pointed by the Pr esi- appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of

Presi- dent p . 850. the Senate, and shall receive a salary at the r ate of $9 ,000 per Rep ort an nually to congress . annum . The commissioner shall make an annual report to Congress . Depntycommis- SEC. 2. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint, n 1 er and civil person- without regard to the civil service laws, one deputy commissioner and, in acc ordance with th e civil service laws, su ch other office rs and employees as he deems necessary to execute the functions vested in suc h bureau . The salaries of the deputy commissioner and of such Sa laries . 148 8. officers and employees shall be fixed in accordance with the Classifica- U. s. C.,p.65; Supp. tion Act of 1923, as amended (U. S. C., title 5 ch. 13;°U.S.C. Su

n' p .25. ~





Po se, p, loos . III, title 5, ch. 13). The dep uty comm issioner shall act as Commi s- sioner of Narcotics during the absence or disability of such commis- sioner, or in the event that there is no commissioner . In case of the abs ence or d isability of the commissio ner and t he deputy commis- sioner, or in the event that there is no commissioner and deputy com- missioner, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to designate an officer or employ ee of th e Treasu ry Depar tment to act as C ommis- sioner of Narcotics .