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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/629

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 488. 1930 . Emplo yees may be (b) In order to aid in the detection and prevention of the unlaw- ass igned duti es as cus- toms officers .

ful importation of narcotic drugs into the United States, and under Post, p. 819. such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, the Commissioner of Narcotics may confer or impose upon such officers and employees of the Bureau of Narcotics, as he may designate any of the rights, privileges, powers, or duties of customs officers and emp loyees, and m ay assign any of such off icers and emp loyees of the Bureau of Narcotics to duty at ports of entry or other places specific by such commissioner. Control rol Board, abol- F

abi c Narcotics SEC. 3. (a) The Federal Narcotics Control Board established by the ish ed .

Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act, as amended (U . S . C ., title Vol . 44, p.1381. u. S. C., p. 635.

21, ch . 6), is hereby abolished, and all the authority, powers, and feFunction s trari s functions exercised by such board are hereby transferred to and shall be vested in and exercised and performed by the Commissioner of Narcotics . Other rights, etc. , as

(b) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to confer or impose narcotic drugs con- ferred anY of the rights, privileges, powers, and duties in respect of narcotic drugs enumerated in subdivision (a) of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to create a Bureau of Customs and a Bureau of Prohibition Vol. 44, p . 1382. in the Department of the Treasury, 7i approved March 3, 1927 (U . S . U.S,C.,Supp.IV, C., title 5, sec . 281c), upon the Commissioner of Narcotics, or any p. 20'


officer or employee of the Bureau of Narcotics . Transfer of employ- ees of

(c) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to transfer to the Bureau of Pr ohi- bition .

Bureau of Narcotics such attorneys and other officers and employees Exceptions' of the Bureau of Prohibition, except the deputy commissioner in charge of narcotics (whose office is hereby abolished), the dep uty commissioner in charge of prohibition, the Commissioner of Prohi- Records, etc. bition, and the assistant commissioner, together with such records and property (including office equipment), as may be necessary for the exercise by the Bureau of Narcotics of the functions vested in it . Unexpended balan- ces of appropriations

(d) All unexpended balances of appropriations under the control available, of the Bureau of Prohibition for the enforcement of any laws relat- ing to narcotic drugs and available on the date this Act takes effect shall be available for expenditu re by the Bu reau of Narco tics in the same manner and to the same extent as if the Bureau of Narcotics has been directly named in the laws making such appropriations . Present orders, as to narcotic drugs

(e) All orders, rules, and regulations in respect of an laws relat- cont inued in e ffect un- ing to narcotic dru gs which have been issued by the Commi ssioner hi modified, etc' of Prohibition or the Federal Narcotics Control Board and which are in ef fect o n the date this Act ta kes ef fect shall, afte r such date, continue in effect as though this Act had not been enacted or until modified, superseded, or repealed by the Commissioner of Narcotics, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury . to be Pend ing pr oce edi ngs etc ., etc ., (f) All proceedings, investigations, and other matters pending in before Narcotics Bu- or before the Bureau of Prohibition or the Federal Narcotics Control reau .

Board in respect of the administration or enforcement of any laws relating to narcotic drugs shall be continued and brought to final determination before the Bureau of Narcotics . Tress Departmen. SEC. 4. (a) The Narcotics Division in the office of the Surgeon Vol . . Cp Supp . IV, General of the United States Public Health Service in the Treasury pT le of, changed to Department, as created by the Act entitled "An Act to establish two Division of Mental United States narcotic farms for the confinement and treatment of Hygiene.

persons a ddicted to th e use of hab it-forming na rcotic drugs who have been convicted of offenses against the United States, and for other pur poses," appro ved January 19, 1929 (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 21, ch . 8), shall be known as the Division of Mental Hygiene . transferred . Authority, etc., The author ity, powers, and functions exercised by such Narcot ics Division are hereby transferred to the Division of Mental Hygiene . icRank, officer tin charged- The medical officer of the Public Health Service in charge of said