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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/631

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SEV ENT Y-FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cns. 489-491 . 1930 . Juno 14,1930 .

CHAP. 489 .-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to investigate [H . R.4020.] and report to Congress on the advisability and practicability of establishing a [Public, No. 358., national park to be known as the Upper Mississippi National Park in the States of Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Upper Mi ssiss ippi United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary National Park . of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed to investigate and report Investigation, etc., as


y7 to desirability of estab- to Congress as to the desirability and practicability of establishing lishing, by Secretary of the Interior .

a national park, to be known as the Upper Mississippi National Area included . Park, along the Mississippi River in the counties of Jackson, Du- buque, Clayton, and Allamakee of the State of Iowa ; the county of Jo Daviess of the State of Illinois ; the counties of Grant, Craw- ford, Vernon, La Crosse, Tremp ealeau, Buffa lo, Pepin, an d Pierce of the State of Wisconsin ; and the counties of Houston, Winona, Wabasha, Goodhue, Dakota, and Washington of the State of Minne- sota and vicinity for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of the United States and to preserve said area in its natural state, includ- Extent of report . ing in his report full information as to the ownership, value, esti- mated cost to acquire, and character of the lands involved and his o pinion as to whether such areas measur e up to natio nal-park stand ards. App roved, June 1 4, 1930 . June 14, 190

CHAP. 4 90 .-An Act To enable the Po stmaster General to authorize the [H .R ,b1 90 .] [Public, No. 359 .] establishment of temporary or emergency star-route service from a date earlier than the date of the order requiring such service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Postal servi ce ea Star routes .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 8 of of 39,p . 161,amend- the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act approved June 25, 1910, U. S. C., p .1202.

authorizing the Postal Savings System, and for other purposes," a~ pproved May 18, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 161, United States Code, title 39, section 434), is hereby amended by adding thereto the following proviso : Compensation for " Provided further That the provisions of section 3960, Revised temporary addi tional


f servic e, etc .

St atut es, that no com pens atio n s hall be paid for ad diti onal ser vic e R. S., sec. 3960, p . in carrying the mail until such additional service is ordered the U. S. C., p.1263 . sum to be allowed therefor to be expressed in the order and entered upon the books of th e department, and that no compensation shall be p aid f or any addi tional regu lar se rvice rende red be fore the is suing of such order, shall not apply to any service authorized under this Act ." Approv ed, June 14, 1930 . Jnne 14,19 15 30.

CHAP. 491 . [ Pub . , Res

Joint Resolution To pr ovide for the naming of a [u : Res . mou ntai n or peak wit hin the boun dari es of Mou nt M cKin ley Nati onal Park ., No . 87, 1 Alaska, in honor of Carl Ben Eielson . Alask Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the a nt Eielson, United States of -America in Congress assembled, That a mountain M ountain in Mount or peak, unofficially known as Copper Mountain, located at the Par k Mc Kin ley in honor National Par k headwaters of the Mount McKinley River, lying in a northeasterly of Carl Ben Eielson . direction from Mount McKinley in the out cKinley National Park, Ala ska, is hereb y permanentl y named Mount Eielson in h onor of the pioneer work in aviation performed in Alaska and the North by Carl Ben Eielson . Approved , June 14, 1 930 . i I