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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/630

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Car . 488 . 1930.

587 division shall hold the rank and receive the pay and allowances of Assistant Surgeon General while so serving . b The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service is author- N arco tic dru gs, eta ( )

Investigation a nd ized and directed to make such studies and investigations, as may be study off abusive us e , necessary, of the abusive use of narcotic drugs ; of the quantities of gealth service, crude opium, coca leaves, and their salts, derivatives, and prepara- tions, together with such reserves thereof, as are necessary to supply the normal and emergency medicinal and scientific requirements of the United States ; and of the causes, prevalence, and means for the prevention and treatment of mental and nervous diseases . The Sur- Report, geo n Genera l shall r eport to the Sec retary o f the Tre asury no t later than the 1st day of September each year the results of such studies and investi gations . The results of such studies and investigations Results available to C ommissi oner of Nar- of the quantities of crude opium, coca leaves, or other narcotic drugs, cotics, for determining together with such reserves thereof, as are necessary to supply the medicinal require . normal and emergency medicinal and scientific requirements of the United States, shall be made available to the Commissioner of Nar- cotics, to be used at his discretion in determining the amounts of crude opium and coca leaves to be imported under the Narcotic Drugs Import and Exp ort Act, as amended . (c) Th e Secret ary of t he Treasu ry is he reby aut horized to appoin t Appointment of per- such professional, technical, and clerical assistants as may be neces- sary to carr y out the provisions of this secti on . SEC. 5 . Any person, corporation, a ssociati on, or partnership Appeal f rom deci - sion, etc ., of Commis aggrieved by any order, rule, or decision of the Commissioner of sioner . Narcotics, or by his failure to rule upon or decide any matter pre- sented to him by proper application, may appeal therefrom to the Secretary of the Treasury, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, who may affirm, reverse, or modify such action or direct such action to be taken as he may deem equitable and just . SEC. 6 . In addition to the amount of coca leaves which may be Coca leaves . 596. imported u nder section 2 (b) of the Narc otic Drugs Import and Additional imports. Export Act, the Commissioner of Narcotics is authorized to permit, tions . in accordance with regulations issued by him, the importation of addi- Promsc tional amounts of coca leaves : Provided, That after the entry thereof Derivatives, etc., to into the United States all cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts, derivatives, be destroyed . and preparations from which cocaine or ecgonine may be synthesized or made, contained in such additional amounts of coca leaves, shall be destroyed under the supervision of an authorized representative of the Commissioner of Narcotics . All coca leaves imported under Pot,P,ob9 6. this section shall be subject to the duties which are now or may here- after be imposed upon such coca leaves when imported . SEC. 7. The Secretary of the Treasury shall cooperate with the tionsernational oblfga Secretary of State in the discharge of the international obligations of the United States concerning the traffic in narcotic drugs . SEC. 8 . That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cooperate with Cooperation reith states for suppression the several States in the suppression of the abuse of narcotic drugs of domestic abuse. in thei r respective jurisdictions, and to that end he is authorized (1) Drafting of legisla- to cooperate in the drafting of such legislation as may be needed, l5i ichangeofinforma- if any, to effect the end named, and (2) to arrange for the exchange Lion, ""0- o f inf ormat ion conce rning the use and a buse of n arcot ic d rugs in said States and for cooperation in the institution and prosecution of cases i n the cou rts of t he Unite d States and bef ore the l icensing R egu lati ons to be boards and courts of the several States . The Secretary of the Treas- made. ury is hereby authorized to make such regulations as may be neces- sary to carry this section into effect .

Effective date of Act. SEC . 9 . This Act shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty Post, p . 819 . days after the date of its enactment . Approved, June 14, 1930 .