SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. C$. 497 . 1930 .
599 ing essentia l or distilled oils, or natural or synthetic odoriferous or
SCHEDULE 1. aromatic substances, 40 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad paints . oils, and valorem : Provided, That only materials no t marketable as per- A P`ieohouc restriction. fumery, cosmetics, or toilet preparations, and not containing more than 10 per centum of alcohol, shall be classified for duty under this paragraph : Provided further, That all of the foregoing materials c ntetnthighe ralcohol ie containing more than 10 per centum of alcohol shall be classified for duty under paragraph 61 as toilet preparations . PAR. 61 . Perfumery, including cologne and other toilet waters, arti- p10P` , etc . •iret cles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, and all prepara- tions used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, tooth soaps, pastes, theatrical grease paints, pom ades, po wders, an d other toilet p reparati ons, all the fore going, if containing alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 75 per centum ad valorem ; if not containi ng alcoho l, 75 pe r centum ad valo rem ; ba t h salts, if not perfumed, 25 per centum ad valorem ; if perfumed (whether or not having medicinal properties), 75 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 62. Floral or flower waters containing no alcohol, not spe- Fl oral wa ters . cially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem ; bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or compounded, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 63. Phosphorus, 8 cents per pound ; phosphorus oxychloride phosphorus . and phosphorus trichloride, 6 cents per pound . PAR . 64. Plasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and court- pesters ° plaster, 20 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 65. (a) Paints, colors, and pigments, commonly known as Ar tist s' pain ts, etc ° artists', sc hool, students', or children's pai nts or colors : (1) In tubes, jars, cakes, pans, or other forms, not exceeding n its tubes, bed rin se ts. one and one-half pounds net weight each, and valued at less than 20 cents per dozen pieces, and not assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits, three-fourths of 1 cent per tube, jar, cake, pan, or other form ; (2) in tubes, jars, cakes, pans, or other forms, not exceeding of higher values . one a nd one-h alf pound s net we ight eac h, and v alued at 20 cents or more per dozen pieces, and not assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits : In tubes or jars, 2 cents per tube or jar and 40 per centum ad valorem ; in cakes, pans, or other forms, 11 /4 cents per cake, pan, or other form and 40 per centum ad valorem ; (3) in tubes, jars, cakes, pans, or other forms, not exceeding Set etmbled in paint one and one-half pounds net weight each, when assembled in paint sets, kits, or color outfits, with or without brushes, water pans, outline drawings, stencils, or other articles, 70 per centum ad valorem on the value as assembled ; (4) in bulk, or in any form exceeding one and one-half pounds In bulk, etc ° net weight each, 81/4 cents per ounce . (b) For the purposes of this paragraph, tubes, Jars cake
Ass embling in sets s > pansl described . or other forms, shall not be considered as assembled in a paint set, kit, or color outfit, unless assembled in such form and container, and with such assortment of merchandise, as to be suitable for sale at retail to artists, students, or children, as a paint set, kit, or color outfit . PAR . 66. Pigments, colors, stains, and paints, including enamel ca~ gprovidedfor spe . paints, whether dry, mixed, or ground in or mixed with water, oil, or solutions other than oil, not specially pro vided for, 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 67 . Barytes ore, crude or unmanufactured, $4 per ton ; ground Barytes. or otherwise manufactured, $7 .50 per ton ; precipitated barium sul- phate or blanc fixe, 11/4 cents per pound .