Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/692

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SEV ENT Y-F IRS T CONGR ESS . SEss . II. CH. 497. 1930 .

649 PAR. 1111 . Blan kets, and s imila r arti cles (inclu ding carri age an d

SCaEDV1.E 11. automobile robes and steamer rugs), made of blanketing, as units or wool and manufac- in the piece, finished or unfinished , wholly or in chief v alue of Woo l, tnBlankets, etc . not exceeding three yards in length, valued at not more than $1 per pound, 30 cents per pound and 36 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 but not more than $1 .50 per pound, 33 cents per pound and 37 1/2 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 .50 per pound, 40 cents per pound and 40 per centum ad valorem : P rovided, Larger size . That on all the foregoing, exceeding three yards in length, the same duty shall be paid as on woven fabrics of wool weighing more than four ounces per square yard . PAR. 1112. Felts, not woven, wholly or in chief value of wool, Felts, not woven . valued at not more than $1 .50 per pound, 30 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 .50 per pound, 40 cents per pound and 40 per cent um ad val orem . PAR . 1113. Fabrics, with fast edges, not exceeding twelve inches edges lies with las t in width, and articles made therefrom ; tubings, garters, suspenders, braces, cords, and cords and tassels ; all the foregoing, wholly or in ch ief value of wool, 50 cents p er pound and 50 per centum ad va lorem . PAR . 1114. (a) Knit fabric, in the piece, wholly or in chief value In the piece . of wool, valued at not more than $1 per pound, 33 cents per pound and 40 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 per pound, 50 cents per pound and 50 per cent um ad val orem . (b ) Hose , hal f-hos e, glo ves, and mi ttens , fin ished or un finis hed, gloes anh alf tns Se' wholly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than $1 .75 per dozen pairs, 40 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 .75 per dozen pairs, 50 cents per pound and 50 pe r centum a d valorem . (c) Knit underwear, finished or unfinished , wholly or in chief Unde rwear . value of wool, valued at not more than $1 .75 per pound, 40 c ents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $1 .75 per pound, 50 cents per pound and 50 per centum ad valorem . (d) Outerwear and articles of all kinds, knit or crocheted, finished Oute rwear . or unfinished, wholly or in chief value of wool, and not specially pr ovided for, valued at not more than $2 per pound, 44 cents per pound and 45 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $2 per pound, 50 cents per pound and 50 per ce ntum ad va lorem . PAR . 1115 . (a3 Clothing and articles of wearing apparel of every cl•thing,uot>...nit, d escri ption , not knit or cr ochete d, ma nufact ured wholl y or i n par t, wh olly or in chief value of wool, valued at not more than $4 per pound, 33 cents per pound and 45 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than $4 per pound, 50 cents per pound and 50 pe r centum ad valorem . (b) Bodies, hoods, form s, and shapes, for hats, bonnets, cap s, Forms torhats, etc . berets, and similar articles, manufactured wholly or in part of wool felt, 40 cents per pound and 75 per centum ad valorem ; and, in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, if pulled, stamped, blocked, or trimmed (including finished hats, bonnets, caps, berets, and simi- lar articles), 25 cents per article . PAR . 1116. (a) Oriental, Axminster, Savonnerie, Aubusson > and Ori ent al O

an , h , etc .and other carpets, rugs, and mats, not made on a power-driven loom, made. plain or fi gured , whe ther w oven as se parate carp ets, r ugs, or ma ts, or in rolls of any width, 50 cents per square foot, but not less than 45 per centum ad valorem . (b) Carpets, rugs, and mats, of oriental weave or weaves, made Power made . on a power-driven loom ; chenille Axminster carpets, rugs, and mats ; all the foregoing, plain or figured, whether woven as separate carpets, rugs, or mats, or in rolls of any width, 60 per centum ad valorem .