650 SCHEDULE 11. W ool and manufac- tures of Carpets and rubs . Asminsier, ti ii on, Brussels, err . Ingrain, art situare<, ete. Druggets, etc . Parts dutnahle. S cre ens,
hassocks, etc . Tapestries . No t spe cially pro- vided for . Definition of" wool " Fabric s with per- cent age of wool . Computation of duty . SCHEDULE 12. Sil k man ufactu res. Partly man u- f actu red . Spun yarn. Thrown, singles, etc . Sewing silk, threads, etc. Woven fabrics in the piece . SE VEN TY- FIRS T CON GRESS . SEss. II. Ci. 497.- 1930 . PAR. 1117 . (a) Axminster carpets, rugs, and mats, not specially provided for ; Wilton carpets, rugs, and mats ; Brussels carpets, rugs, and mats ; velvet or tapestry carpets, rugs, and mats ; and carpets, rugs, an d mats, of like char acter or d escription ; all t he foregoing, valued at not more than 40 cents per square foot, 40 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than 40 cents per square foot, 60 per centuln ad valorem . (b) Ingrain carpets, mats, and rugs or art squares, of whatever material composed, and carpets , rugs, an d mats, of like char acter or description, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem . (c) All other floor coverings, including mats and druggets, wholly or in chi ef value o f wool, not specially provided for, value d at not more than 40 cents per square foot, 30 per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than 40 cents per square foot, 60 per centum ad valorem . (d) Parts of any of the foregoing shall be dutiable at the rate provided for the completed article . PAR. 1118. Sc reens, hassock s, and all oth er arti cles, compose d wholly or in part of carpets, rugs, or mats, and not sp ecially provided for, 30 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1119 . Ta pestrie s and u pholste ry good s (not includ ing pil e fabrics), in the piece or otherwise, wholly or in chief value of wool, s hall be subject to the applicable rate s of duty imposed upon woven fabrics o f wool in paragraph 1 108 or 110 9 . PAR . 1120 . All manufactures, wholly or in chief value of wool, not specially provided for, 50 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 1121 . Wherever in this title the word "wool" is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component m aterial, it shall b e held to include w ool or hair of the sheep, camel, Angora goat, Cashmere goat, alpaca, or other like animals, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process . PAR. 1122. Fabrics (except printing-machine cylinder lapping in chief value of flax), in the piece or otherwise, containing 17 per centum or more ill weight of wool, but not in chief value thereof, an d whether or not mor e specifica lly provid ed for, sh all be dut iable a s follows That proportion of the amount of the duty on the fabric, com- pu ted und er thi s sched ule, wh ich the amount of woo l bears to the en tire we ight, plus th at prop ortion of the amount of the duty on the fabric, computed as if this paragraph had not been enacted . which the weight of the component materials other than wool bears to the entire weight . SCHE DUL E 12 .-SILK MANUFACTURES PAR . 1201 . Silk partially manufactured, including total or partial degumming other than in the reeling process, from raw silk, waste si lk, or coc oons, and silk noils exceeding two inches in length ; al l the foregoing, if not twisted or spun, 35 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1202. Spun silk or schappe silk yarn, or yarn of silk and rayon or other synthetic textile, and roving, not bleached, dyed, colored, or plied, 40 per centum ad valorem ; bleached, dyed, co lored, or plied, 50 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1203. Thrown silk not more advanced than singles, tram, or organzine, 20 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1204. Sewing silk, twist, floss, and silk threads or yarns of any descr iption, ma de from raw silk, not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 1205. Woven fabrics in the piece, wholly or in chief value of silk, not specially provided for, 55 per centum ad valorem ; woven fa brics in t he piece, not exceedi ng thirty inches in width, whe ther