Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/741

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SEVENTY-FIRST CON GRESS . SESS . II. Cu. 497. 1930 . TARIFF COMMISSION. articles, and performing any of the duties or exercising any of the powers imposed upon it by law . Official seal .

(g) OFF ICIA L SE AL .-The commission is authori zed to adopt an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. Investigations .

SEC. 332 . INV EST IGAT IONS . reports . specif ied fo r (a) INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS :It shall be the du ty of the commission to investigate the administration and fiscal and industrial effects of the customs laws of this country now in force or which may be hereafter enacted, the relations between the rates of duty Raw materials . on raw materials and finished or partly finished products, the effects i valorem and spe- cific of ad valorem and specific duties and of compound specific and ad Schedules and classi- valorem duties all questions relative to the arrangement of schedules fications . ~ and classification of articles in the several schedules of the customs Relation of Federal law, and, in general, to investigate the operation of customs laws, revenues and effect including their relation to the Federal revenues, their effect upon upon industr ies and labor .

the industries and labor of the country, and to submit reports of its Tariff relations.

investigations as hereafter provided . Investigate, between (b) INVESTIGATIONS OF TARIFF RELATIONS .-The commission shall united states and f•r- sign coun tries .

have power to investigate the tariff relations between the United . States and for eign cou ntries, commerci al treat ies, pre ferentia l pro- visions, ec onomic alliances , the effect of export bounties and preferen- tial transportation rates, the volume of importations compared with domestic production and consumtion, and conditions, causes, and effects relating to competition of - foreign industries with those of E conom y Pact, the United States, including dumping and cost of production . etc .

(c) INVESTIGATION OF PARIS ECONOIIIY PACT .-The commission shall have power to investigate the Paris Economy Pact and similar Information for the organization s and arrangemen ts in Europe . President and Con- (d) IN FORM ATI ON FOR PR ESID ENT AND CONGRESS.In order that gre ss '

the President and the Cong ress m ay se cure inform ation and assist - Costs of American ance, it shall be the duty of the commission to- articles. (1) Ascertain con ve rsi on costs and costs of pro du cti on in the principal growing, producing, or manufacturing centers of the United States of articles of the United States, whenever in Costs, etc ., of articles

the opinion of the c ommission it is p racticab le ; imported. (2) Ascertai n convers ion cost s and co sts of p roductio n in the principal growing, producing, or manufacturing ce nt ers of foreign countries of articles imported into the United States, whenever in the opinion of the commission such conversion costs or costs of production are necessary for comparison with con- version costs or costs of production in the United States and Select, etc ., represent-

can be reasonably ascertained ; at a imported arti- cle s. (3) Select and describe articles which are representative of the classes or kinds of artic les impo rted int o the Un ited Sta tes and which are similar to or comparable with articles of the United States ; select and describe articles of the United States similar to or comparable with such imported articles

and obtain

and file samples of articles so selected, whenever the commission deems it advis able ; Import costs thereof .

(4) As certain import c osts of such rep resentat ive arti cles so Selling prices of selected ; American articles . (5) Ascer tain t he gr ower' s, pro ducer 's, or manufacturer's sel ling prices in t he pr incipa l gro wing, produ cing, or m anu- facturing centers of the United States of the articles of the Other facts showing

United States so selected ; and differences between . (6) As certain all othe r facts which wi ll show the diff erences in or which affect competition between articles of the United Sta tes a nd imp orted arti cles i n the prin cipal marke ts of the Unit ed St ates.