Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/742

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699 (e) Dr raNITIoNs .-When used in this subdivision and in sub- TA RIFF co Mnrr ssioN . division (d)-

Meaning of terms' (1) The term "article" includes any commodity, whether " Art i cle ." gro wn, p rodu ced, fabri cate d, ma nipul ated , or manuf actur ed ; (2) The term "import cost" means the price at which an "Import cos t . " article is freely offered for sale in the ordinary course of trade in t he usu al who lesale quant ities for exp ortati on to the Un ited States plus, when not included in such price, all necessary expenses, exclusive of customs duties, of bringing such imported article to the United States . (f) The Tariff Commission is hereby directed, within eight Petro leum . Asc ert ai nme nt of months from the passage of this Act, to ascertain the approximate average cost to refin- en es on Atlantic sea- average cost per barrel to the oil refineries located on the Atlantic board of United States seaboard of crude petroleum delivered to them from the oil fields of and from Ven ezuela . the U nited Stat es d uring the thre e yea rs pr ecedi ng 1930, and the present approximate average cost per barrel of crude petroleum from Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, delivered to the same points. Such relative costs shall be immediately certified to the Speaker of Report to Congress. the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate for the information of the Congress .

Information and in- (g) REPORTS TO PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS .-The commission shall vestigation for use of put at the disposal of the President of the United States, the Corn- President and Con- mittee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, whenever requested, all infor- mation at its command, and shall make such investigations and reports as may be requested by the President or by either of said committees or by either branch of the Congress, and shall report to Annual report . Congress on the first Monday of December of each year hereafter a statement of the methods adopted and all expenses incurred, and a summary of all reports made during the year . SEC. 333 . TESTIMONY AND PRODUCTION OF PAPERS.

Testimony . (a) AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN INFORMATION .-For the purposes of Authority given to secure, fnfarm ive n n carrying Part II of this title into effect the commission or its duly autho rized agen t or agen ts sh all have acces s to and the r ight to copy an y docu ment, paper, or re cord, pertine nt to the su bject matter under investigation, in the possession of any person, firm, copart- nership, corporation, or association engaged in the production importa tion, or dis tribut ion of any a rticle under invest igatio n, and Power to take testi- shall have powe r to summ on wi tnes ses, take testi mony , adm inist er mony, etc° oaths, and to require any person, firm, copartnership, corporation, or association to produce books or papers relating to any matter pertaining to such investigation . Any member of the commission may sign sub poen as, and mem bers and age nts of the comm issi on, Sign subpoenas, etc . when authorized by t he commission, may ad minister oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses, take testimony, and receive evidence . Attendance of wi t- (b) WITNESSES AND EvmENCE .-Such attendance of witnesses and nesses . the production of such documentary evidence may be required from Vol. 42, p. 947. any place in the United States at any designated place of hearing . And in case of disobedience to a subpoena the commission may invoke Enforcement of, by the aid of any district or territorial court of the United States or C01uts° the Supreme Court of the District of Col umbia in requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of docu- mentary evidence, and such court within the jurisdiction of which such inquiry is carried on may, in case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any corporation or other person, issue an order requiring such corporation or other person to appear before the c ommis sion, or to pr oduce doc ument ary e viden ce i f so order ed