Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/933

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 846. 1930. in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1931, $15,000 . Bookkeeping and

DIVISION OF BOOK1z'EPING AND WARRANTS Warrant s Divis ion . Contingent expenses. Customs Bureau .

BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Collecting revenues . Collecting the revenue from customs : For an additional amount for collecting the revenue from customs, including the same objects speci- fied .under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treas- ury Department for the fiscal year 1931, $856,280, of w h ic h $17 2,54 0 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia in addition to the amount of $243,370 specified for this purpose in such Act, exclusive of such persons from the field force as may be detailed under specific authority of law . scales. Scales for Customs Service : For an additional amount for scales for the Customs Service, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Depart- ment for the fiscal year 1931, $42,200 . Coast Guard. Pay an d allo wances . vessels. Construction and equipment of . Ante, p . 173. Post, p. 1226. Proviso. Limit of cost . Retired pay. A nte, p. 164 . Contingent expenses. Engraving and Print- ing Bureau . Contingent expenses, public moneys : For an additional amount for contingent expenses, public moneys, including the same objects speci- fied under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treas- ury Department for fiscal year 1930, $10,000 . COAST GUARD Pay and allowances : For an additional amount for pay and allow- ances, Coast Guard, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making ap propriations for the Treasu ry Department for the fiscal year 1931, $128,800 . Construction and equipment of vessels : For commencing the con- struction of the vessel authorized in the Act entitled "An Act to pro- vide for the construction of a vessel for the Coast Guard for rescue and assistance work on Lake Michigan," approved April 18, 1930, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $450,000 : Provided, That the total cost of this vessel and equipment shall not exceed $650,000, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to enter into contracts for its construc- tion and equipment in sums not to exceed this aggregate amount . Retir ed pay for ce rtain members of the former Life-Saving Serv- ice : For retired pay for certain members of the former Life-Saving Service authorized by the Act entitled "An Act providing for retired pay for certain members of the former Life-Saving Service, equiva- lent to compensation granted to members of the Coast Guard," approved April 14, 1930, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $170,250 . Contingent expenses : Not exceeding $5,000 of the amount appro- priated for " Outfits, Coast Guard," in the Act making appropriations for the Trea sury Dep artm ent for the fisc al y ear 1930, may be trans- ferred to the appropriation for " Conti ngent expense s, Coast Guard , 1930 ." BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING nuhecks, de af a,etc., The limitation in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Vol . 45, p. 1037. Department for the fiscal year 1930, as to the number of delivered sheets of checks, drafts, and miscellaneous work is hereby increased from seven million four hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-six to nine million two hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and forty-two .