SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 846 . 1930 .
891 SECRET SERVICE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Qu ar an ti ne s erv ic e : For an additiona l amount for the quarantine service, including the same objects specified under this head in the Ac t making a ppropriat ions for t he Treasu ry Departm ent for th e fi scal year 19 31, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $ 82,000 . Narcotic farms : For an additional amount for narcotic farms, Public Health Service , including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Depart- m en t f or - the fis cal year 19 31, and incl uding field studies an d investi- gations incident to t he establishment of narcotic farms ; p e r s o n al services of reserve commissioned officers and pharmacists ; scientific and educational supplies ; law books, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere and pay- ment for newspapers and periodicals may be made in advance ; and the furnishing and laundering of uniforms to employees whose duties make necessary the wearing of the same, including white duck coats, trousers, smocks, aprons, caps, and insignia or other devices for identification purposes, fiscal year 1931, $29,890 . MIS CELLANEOUS P UBLIC-BUILDI NG PROJECTS Secret Service . Salaries : For an additional amount for salaries, white House salaries . police, for the fiscal year 1931, in addition to the amount appropri- at ed under t his head in the Act making a ppropriati ons for th e Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1931, so as to provide for a captain, a lieutenant, three sergeants, and forty-three privates, at rates of pay provided by law, $19,800 . Uniforms and equipment : For an additional amount for uniform- Uniforms and equip- ing and equipping the White House police for the fiscal year 1931, meat . including the same objects specified under this head in the Act Ante, pp. 3 5, 346. making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1931, $1,000 . Public Health Serv- ice. Quarantine service . Narcotic farms . Ante, p. 348. Books, periodicals, et c. Public building proj- ec ts . Janesville (Wisconsin) post office : For extension of lookout sys- Janesville, Wis . tem, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $3,500 . Key West, Florida, Marine Hospital . For repair of carpenter Key West, Fla . shop, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $3,000 . Lexington, Kentucky, narcotic farm : F or acquisit ion of site , prep- Lexington, Ky . aration of plans and employment of technical services, topographical surveys, test pits, etc ., and for care of site and any structures thereon, Post, p . 1585. under the authority of the Act entitled "An Act to establish two Vol. 45, p. 1085. United States narcotic farms for the confinement and treatment of persons addicted to the use of habit-forming narcotic drugs who have been convicted of offenses against the United States, and for other purposes," approved January 19, 1929, $325,000 . New London, Connecticut, post office : For extension of lookout New London, Conn . system, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $300 . Reedy Island, Delaware, quarantine station : For lighting system Ree dy Islan d, Del . consisting of submarine cable, outside and inside wiring and lighting fixtures, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $6,000 . San Francisco, California, quarantine station : For new building, San Francisco, Calif . including mechanical equipment, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $6,500 . Projects under Pub . PUBLIC BUILDI NG PRO JECTS U NDER SE CTIONS 3 AND 5, PUB LIC BUI LDINGS lie Bu ildings Act, May ACT AP PRO VED MAY 25 1 1926, AS AMENDED
2Y 9 01%, pp . 632, 633. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to enter into contracts Purchase of sites, etc . for sites or additional land for public buildings, purchase of sites