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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1476

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3488 Deserlption-C'oatd. Prior rights not dected. PROCLAMATIONS, 1935. T. 17 S., R. 4 E., sec. 4, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, SWXNE~~, SE%NW~~, E~SWX; sec. 5, lots Ii 2, SWXNEYt; sec. 7, EM, ots 1 to 4, inclusive, lots 9 to 12, inclusive; sec. 8, SWXNWX, W~SWX, SEXS'V;~; sec. 18, W~NEX, lots 1, 2, 9; sec. 31, lots 4,9, 10, 11; aggregating 19,074.97 acres. The reservation made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands which are at this date embraced in any valid claim or withdrawn for any public purpose other than classification, be subject to and shall not interfere WIth or defeat legal rights lmder such claim or prevent the use for such public :purpose of any land so withdrawn, so long as such claim is lego.ll:Lmamtained or such withdrawal remains in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 7" day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen blmdred and thirty-five, and of [SEAL] the Independence of the United States of Ameriea the one hundred and sixtieth. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVF;LT By the President: COUDELI. HULl. SecrftanJ oj Stafe. [~(). 21 T>t] ESTABLISHMENT OF CeSTO!\fti Ex.'onCE!\f};XT AUEA No.5 BY THE PRESIDEXT OF TilE UXITEJ) STAn::i 0.' A!\UmWA A PROCLA!\lATION Cu~torruenrllrre· \\LJEREAS section 1(a) of the Anti-Smugg.ling Act, approved meat areW!. Antt.II.617. August 5, 1935 (Public No. 238, 74th Congress), provides, nmong other things, that whenever the President finds and declares that Itt any place or within any area on the high setts adjacent to but outside customs waters any vessel or vessels hover or are being kept off the coast of the United States, and that, by virtue of the presence of any such vessel or vessels at such place or within such area, the unlawful introduction or removal into or from the United States of any merchandise or person is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened, the place or areas so found and declared shall constitute a customs-enforcement area for the purposes of this Act: Area ."0. 5 e.:tabo NOW, THEREFORE I FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, JIabed. President of the Unit;i States of Americ8" do hereby find and declare: Descrlptioa. 1. That vessels hover or are being kept off the coast of the United States on the high seas adjacent to but outside customs waters within the area described as follows: That area of waters of the North Atlantic Ocetin bounded by: (a) The arc of a circle described with a l'adius of one hundred nautical miles from a center at Latitude forty-three degrees eight minutes North (43 0 - 0 8' X) Longitude sixty-mne degrees seventeen minutes West (69 0 -17' 'V).