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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1477

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1935, 1936. (b) That part of an irregular curve, included within the arc of the circle described in (a), which is the locus of outermost points twelve nautical miles offshore from low water mark of the coast of the United States. (c) That part of an irregular curve, included within the arc of the circle described in (a), which is the locus of outermost points sixty- two nautical miles offshore from low water mark of the coast of the Vnited StateR. 2. That the place or immediate area within the area described in paragraph 1 where such vessels are hovering or are being kept is: That place or immediate area on the North Atlantic Ocea~ at Latitude forty-three degrees eight minutes North (43°-08' N) Longitude sixty-nine degrees seventeen minutes West (69°-17' W). 3. That the area described in paragraph 1 does not include any waters more tlutn one hundred nautical miles from the place or im- mediate area where such vessels are and are hereby declared to be hovering or kept, and does not include any waters more than fifty nautical miles outward from the outer limit of customs waters. 4. That, by virtue of the presence of such vessels withm th~ area described m paragraph 1, the unla\\iul introduction or removal into or from the United States of merchandise or persons is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened. 5. That all the waters \\ithin the area described in paragraph 1 are in sllcb proximity to such vessels that such unlawful introduction or r('moval of merchandise or persons may be carried on by or to or from such vessels. 3489 And I do hereby hroc1aim that under the terms of the said Provisions or law co A.S lin A d·bd. h . beoDrorced. ntl- mu~g g ct, t e area escn e m paragrap 1 constitutes a customs-enforcement area, to be de~ated as Customs Enforce- ment Area No.5, and the provisions of law applying to the high seas adjacent to customs waters of the United States shall be enforced in such area upon any vessel, merchandise, or person found therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 27" day of December, in the yearo! our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-five, and [SEAL1 of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: '\\!'ILBUR J CARR FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT Acting Secretary oj Slate. [No. 2152] EXTENDING POWERS COXFERRED BY SECTION 10 OF THE GOLD RESERVE ACT OF 1934 AND SECTION 43 OF THE ACT ApPROVED ~lAY 12, 1933 BY THE PRESIDEXT OF THE UXITED STATES OF AMEIUCA A PROCLAMATION ___ January 10. \1136. WHEREAS, Section 10 of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, approved 19.~!Old Reserve Act 01 Janu!1ry 30, 1934 (Publ~c, Numbered 87, Seventy-third Congress), ~~1. 48: p. 342. proVIdes among other thmgs: u. s. c. p. 1427. "Sec. 10. • • • "(c) All the powers conferred by this section shall expire two years . F .mercency proY!. after the date of enactment of this Act, unless the President shall SJODlJ.