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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1478

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3490 PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. sooner declare the existing emergency ended and the operation of the stabilization fund terminated; but the President may extend such period for not more than one additional year after such date by proeiamatioll recognizing the continuance of such emergency." find Autlwritv til extend. WHER}4~AS, paragraph (b) (2), of Section 43, Title III, of the Vol. 4'1.1'1'· r,:!. :11:.!. A d '"1 21933(Pbl'Nbd10S tthOd ct npprove l~ ay 1, . U IC, urn ere , •eveny-Ir Congress), fiS fimended, provides fimong other things: "(2) * * * The powers of t.he President spcrifiC'd in this para- graph shall be deemed to be separate, distinct, find continuing powers, and mny be exercised by him, from time to time, severuJJy or together, whenever find fiS the expressed objects of t.his section in hig judgment may require; ex('ept that such powers shall expire two years after the date of enactment of the Gold Rt>serve .Act of 1934 unless the President shall sooner dedare the existing emergency ended, but the President may extend such period for not more than one additional year after snch date by proclamation recognizing the continuance of such emergency." and ti.Pu:larL!TarmstroBot (talk)te:!e coni \\'IIJ~HBAS, 8u('h t'nt<'r1!pncy which existed on ,January 30, 1934, emergency. 0 the date of npprovnl of said Gold Reserve Act of 1934, has not been terminatt'd by intcrnationnJ monetury agreement or otherwise, hut, on the contrary, continut'~ and "a8 been inter.sificd in divers respects t-y un~ettled conditions in interntltion'll commerce and finflnce and in fore~n excht\nf.t(~; onel Necessity (If elten· WHEREAS, by virttl(' of thn ('ontinuunce (JI such emergency, it i~ lion. necclisary to extend thE' period duriJlf,t which the powers conf~rred by said Seetion 10 of fo;uid Oold R(l~{'rve Act of 1934 and the powers sI>ecifit'd in said paragraph (h) (2), of Section 43, Title Ill, of said AC't apJlrove,(1 ~Iay 12, lU:3~, U8 nmen<ted, may be exerci~ed, i'<",'If' confme<\ eto NOW, THY.~R~~FOR}I~, he it known that 1, FHANKLIN D. wnf\"<! "ne )·ear . f A R()OSgv}~IJT, Pr('sitlent 0 the United States of merica, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the .Acts of Congress above 8(lt (orth, and by virtue of all other nuthority in me vested, recognizing the continuatwe of the f'mergency existing on ,January 30, 1934, do hert'hy procluim, order, direct ami decillre: Tbllt the pt>riod of two yeur~ within which the powers conferrud by Section 10 of tho Gold R(~~erve Act of H}~4, anel the powers specifi(ld in parugraph (b) (2), of Section 4:~, Title II I, of the Act ttpproved }. · lny ) 2, H}:33, as umend(ld, Blny be ('xcl'cised he, und it hereby is, extended for one additiollol 'y(~Ul' from ,January 30, 1H3H. IS \\~ITXES.~ \\~I1EHEOF, 1 hnve hereunto l'et my hUlld unci have caused the 8(':11 oC the l'nitcd ~tuh'~ of AIIH'ri('u to be uffixcd. DONE ut the City of Washington this 10 duy of ,Jnutlnry, in the y<'tll' of our Lord nilu'f('ell humlrecl uncI thirty-six, und of {SEAL] the independ('nce of the Cui ted Stutes (If America the ono hundred and sixtieth. By the President: COlWELL II t:LL Secretary oj Stafr. [No. 2153]