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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1481

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. 3493 AND 'VHEREAS paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (46 Vol. 44 , p. 8411 . Stat. 646) provides that wools of certain kinds and hair of the camel H. . . may be imported under bond in an amount to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury and under such regulations as he shall Ilrescribe; and if within three years from the date of importation or withdrawal from bonded warehouse satisfactory proof is furnished that the wools or hair have been used in the manufacture of yarns which have been used in the manufacture of press cloth, camel's hair belting, rugs, carpets, or any other floor covering, or in the manufac- ture of knit or felt boots or heavy fulled lumbermen's socks, the duties shall be remitted or refunded • • *": NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- Emergency declared. dent of the United States of America, acting. under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the foregoing provision of section 318 of the Tariff Act of 1930, do by this proclamation declare an emergency to exist. And I do hereby authorize the Secretary of the Treasury, until further notice: (1) In the case of wool imported or withdrawn from bonded ware- Bonded. wool ~ house during the calendar year 1930, under bond, under the provisions :rme!it~~I:-a~:P<t~om of paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1922, and wool or hair of the hon~cd .warehouse . d . hd f bdd h d' dUring 1930. camel Importe or Wit rawn rom on e ware ouse urmg the Time extended for calendar year 1930, under bond, under the provisions of :paragraph furnishing proof of uee. 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930, to extend the period dunng which proof of use in manufacture may be furnished for not more than one year from and after the expiration of the three-year period prescribed ill the said paragraphs as extended for two years under the authority of Proclamation No. 2023, dated December 23, 1932, and further VoI.47 ,p .2M8. extended for one year under the authority of Proclamation No. 2113, An/t, p. 3~32. dated January 7, 1935. (2) In the case of wool or hair of the camel imported or withdrawn Irnpnrts or with- f bdd I d·lid Ib ,Irawills ,luring lU31. rom on e ware louse unng t 1e ca en ar year 1931, un( er ond, under the provisions of paragraph 1101 of the Tariff A<,t of 1930, to extend the period during which proof of use in manufacture may be furnished for not more than one year from and after the expiration of the three-year period prescribed in the said paragraph as extended for one year under the authority of Proclamation No. 2069, dated Yol. 4~, p.1726. December 30, 1933, and further extended for one year under the A7Ite,p.3432. authority of Proclamation No. 2113, dated January 7, 1935. (3) In the case of wool or hair of the camel imported or withdrawn llurillg 11132- from bonded warehouse during the calendar year 1932, under bonel, under the provisions of paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930, to extend the period during which proof of use in manufacture may be furnished for not more than one year from and after the expiration of the three-year period prescribed in the said paragravh as extended for one year under the authority of Proclamation No. 2113, dated January 7, 1935. (4) In the case of wool or hair of the camel imported or withdrawn During 1933. from bonded warehouse during the calendar year 1933, under bond, under the provisions of paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930, to extend the period during which proof of use in manufacture may be furnished for not more than one year from and after the expiration of the three-year period prescribed in the said paragraph. Protided, however, that in each and every case the Secretary of the PrOl·jxo~. T hII . h1 . I I ~lIrely bood. reasury s a reqUlre t at t lC princlpa on t Ie bond, in order to obtain the benefits under the extension granted, shall either furnish to the collect.or of Customs for the district in which the bond was given the agreement of the sureties on such bond to remain bound